NY Coastlines—New York Sea Grant (NYSG)'s flagship publication—and its news archive, Currents, highlight news, events and other activities from our coastal program's various research, extension and education endeavors throughout New York's marine and Great Lakes waters
Spring 2022
NY Coastlines / Currents; Vol. 50, No. 1 & 2 / Vol. 10, No. 1 & 2

NYSG Director's Letter: Becky Shuford
Happy Spring! It is that time of year when new life and ideas abound, and New York Sea Grant (NYSG) is seeking seeds to cultivate stakeholder-informed programming for our next four year, 2024-2027, Strategic Plan! NYSG’s strategic plans are essential tools to help steer our extension, outreach, education and research priorities and programing. And for that to be of most relevance to all of you, we need your input. In “What’s Trending” you will find a link to a multi-choice and short answer questionnaire that we would greatly appreciate you taking 15-20 minutes to respond to. And we thank you in advance for informing the next four years of NYSG’s coastal community-based work. (Should it be of help, here is a link to our current plan).
Also in this blossoming Spring edition, we are pleased to welcome five new amazing team members to the NYSG family. Please read on to meet Lilli, Sarah, Sara, Elizabeth and Gwen – and to learn about what they will be doing to help Bring Science to the Shore.
Eight new research projects are also germinating, as are a variety of new dynamic and interactive StoryMaps showcasing a vast array of programming – from aquaculture to coastal processes and resilience – including some products from NYSG’s Coastal Law and Policy Fellows.
Speaking of fellows – we are also thrilled to highlight our four current graduate student fellows, three who started as John A. Knauss Marine Policy Fellows in February, and one working as a NOAA Fisheries-Sea Grant Fellow on research to advance knowledge about the population dynamics of important fisheries species.
As always there is even more to learn about, and blooming opportunities for education, trainings, and grants. So please read on.
— Becky Shuford, NYSG's Director
What’s Trending

Input Needed: Strategic Planning Survey
NYSG is currently updating our Strategic Plan for 2024-2027 to guide our work in the coming years. An important component of this Strategic Plan is stakeholder feedback to help drive our priorities and programs for the future. Do you have issues or concerns you'd like to see us address? Share your thoughts and opinions by completing our stakeholder survey!
This anonymous survey allows for stakeholders like you to provide input on significant issues affecting New York's coastal communities, industries, resources, education and more.
Your responses will help us ensure that our Strategic Plan incorporates and addresses stakeholder needs. Deadline for responses is Sunday, June 12th.

New Staff: NYSG Specialists Help In "Bringing Science to the Shore" for NY’s Coastal Communities
New Sea Grant Specialists in NY and CT Help Expand Long Island Sound Study's Basin-wide Sound Efforts
Sea Grant programs in New York and Connecticut have hired a team of new Long Island Sound Study professionals dedicated to protecting the communities, economy, and environment of the Sound. Read on >>
New Coastal Climate Specialist Focuses on Renewable Energy, Blue Economy
In addition to offshore energy work, NYSG's new Coastal Climate Specialist will extend cutting-edge research related to climate-change mitigation, which ultimately will help with local resilience and ocean literacy. Read on >>

New Fellows: NYSG's Three 2022 Knauss Fellows, One 2021 NMFS-SG Fellow
NYSG welcomes three fellows in from New York universities into the 43rd class of Sea Grant’s highly competitive John A. Knauss Marine Policy Fellowship.
Another fellow is also in the latest class of the National Marine Fisheries Service – Sea Grant Joint Fellowship Program.
Also: NYSG catches up with its 2021 Knuass Fellows, who completed their work in January. Read on >>

New In Digital: Story Maps
An increasing number of NYSG's research and extension efforts are documented via StoryMaps, immersive products that combine text, interactive maps, and other multimedia content. These include: Flood Remediation in the Outer Boroughs of NYC; Dynamic Shorelines of the Hudson and Long Island; and a regional Hard Clam Collaborative.
Check out a sampling of our coastal program's efforts detailed using this digital platform at www.nyseagrant.org/storymaps.

$1.4 Million Awarded for Sea Grant Research on NY’s Coastal Environment, Economies and Communities
A new suite of research projects from New York Sea Grant includes eight teams of researchers that are exploring a range of stakeholder-driven topics to benefit residents in the State’s coastal region and beyond. Read on >>
Journal Articles Roundup
Over a dozen summaries are offered for published journal articles based on Sea Grant research projects funded throughout New York State. Read on >>
Protecting the Water Quality in Long Island Sound
A group of scientists funded by New York Sea Grant and Connecticut Sea Grant are assembling the pieces of a puzzle to determine the impact of past excesses in nitrogen release to Long Island Sound and the efficacy of efforts to remediate them. Read on >>
Also: Request for Preliminary Proposals — 2023-25 Long Island Sound Research
Now accepting preliminary proposals (deadline: 5 pm EST on Monday, June 6, 2022) for a new round of LISS research projects, which will support the management of the Sound and its resources and the implementation of the LISS Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan.
Subject to available federal funding, up to $5.5M is expected to be available for one- or two-year projects that will be conducted between March 1, 2023 and February 28, 2025.
The Hard Clam Selective Breeding Collaborative Offers Support for Stressed Clams
Hard clams are a socioeconomically important species that are key to the marine food web, which is why a regional collaborative of scientists is focusing on two challenges that have been delivering a one-two punch since the 1990s: an illness called QPX disease and warming coastal waters. Read on >>

Small Grants
Small grants funding through a New York State Department of Environmental Conservation collaboration with NYSG is creating big opportunities for sportsmen, residents, and visitors to access New York’s aquatic resources statewide.
Request for Proposals — 2022 NY Great Lakes Basin Small Grants Program
NYSG, in partnership with NYSDEC, is soliciting proposals (deadline: 4:30 p.m. EST on July 1, 2022) for projects that implement both the goals of the GLAA, as well as actions specifically identified in locally supported plans pertaining to water quality, natural resources, or sustainable land uses. A total of $400K may be awarded to 8-10 proposal requests (each up to $50K in total costs).
Also: Small Grants articles ...
Small Grants, Big Impacts: Making NY’s Coastal Resources Accessible for All
NYSG administers two distinct small grant programs — one in the Marine and Coastal District, one in the Great Lakes region with funding made possible by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. Read on >>
License Plate Funds Support Small Fishing and Environmental Projects With Big Impacts
A half dozen recreational fishing projects, each receiving up to $74,000 in support, are benefiting a number of New York communities. Read on >>

Living with Water: Social and Emotional Impacts of Tidal Flooding
A team of researchers has published a paper about the social and emotional impacts of sunny day flooding, also called "nuisance" or "tidal flooding". Their goal is to better engage local knowledge into adaptation planning. Read on >>
Also: There’s a guide to help community members connect with flood remediation resources. Learn more >>
New York Stewards Trained to Work on Local Climate Change Projects
The program — developed by Cornell University, Sea Grant, and Cornell Cooperative Extension — is being piloted in six counties from around New York State: Dutchess, Ulster, Monroe, Seneca, and Tompkins, plus New York City (Kings County). The objective is to provide research-based, hands-on training to community members who are motivated to work on climate change at the local level. Read on >>
NYSG Staff Named to New York State’s Climate Impacts Assessment Team
New York Governor Kathy Hochul has appointed two from NYSG to the State’s Climate Impacts Assessments technical working group teams, who along with other members, will ultimately suggest science-based strategies to prepare for and adapt to climate change. Read on >>

Dunes — A Strong Companion in the Face of Storms
NYSG’s informative Healthy Dune Systems brochure is helping to educate people about the value of these nature made structures and the science behind them. Read on >>
Lake Erie Seiche Events
NYSG, in collaboration with the University at Buffalo, has published a Seiche Events on Lake Erie fact sheet to help shoreline property owners and managers better respond to erosion and potential hazards associated with seiches. Read on >>
On YouTube: Environmental Justice Mapping Tools for New York State Communities
This past fall, NYSG offered deeper dives into several of the tools featured in its Environmental Justice Mapping Tools, a guide that includes 22 online mapping tools covering a range of topics that help build context around race, class, and the environment. Read on >>
Living Treasures: The Plants and Animals of Long Island Sound
Updated in 2021, this 30-year old popular guidebook highlights the resources of the Sound, which, along with the various commercial and recreational activities it supports, contribute nearly $9 billion a year to the economy. The 50-page Living Treasures is offered in both English and Spanish (via Connecticut Sea Grant) and is accompanied by some revised photo tours (via Long Island Sound Study). The refreshed publication, which features beautiful line drawings and expanded content, was created at a middle school reading level

Seafood & Aquaculture
New York’s Aquaculture Industry: Educational Opportunities
Learn more about ... (a) last fall’s New York State Wine and Seafood event; (b) last summer’s Meet Your Oyster Farmer series; (c) a new aquaculture fact sheet; (d) a free shellfish e-course; (e) the Great Lakes Aquaculture Collaborative; and (f) Great Lakes Fish Finder. Read on >>
New York Commercial Fishing 2021 Survey Report
Offered up in the report is an up-to-date profile of the Long Island commercial fishing industry that is meant to assist with evaluating the needs of local fishermen and characterize the harvesting and processing capacity of the industry, support businesses, and people engaged in this livelihood. Read on >>
Seafood HACCP Training
Seafood HACCP training is offered through NYSG and Cornell University in one of two ways: You can complete a Segmented Course (Segments I and II) or a three day Basic Course.
Trainings are provided for the seafood industry and regulatory agencies on: (a) the fundamentals of HACCP; (b) the current seafood HACCP regulation; (c) an introduction to guidance and training materials; and (d) the development of a HACCP plan for seafood products. Learn more at seafoodhaccp.cornell.edu and www.nyseagrant.org/seafood.
Seaweed Processing and Marketing Task Force — Resource Guides
NYSG created the Seaweed Processing and Marketing Task force in January of 2021 to develop a series of resources to assist NY seaweed producers in understanding the regulations governing the sale and marketing of seaweed products in New York.
The task force was made up of various industry, academic, and regulatory agency representatives with control over seaweed production, processing, and sales.
All resources created are meant to assist in getting seaweed products to market: www.nyseagrant.org/seaweedguides.
Seafood Processing and Marketing Task Force—Resource Guides
NYSG has been coordinating a Seafood Processing and Marketing Task Force with Federal, State, and Local agencies, industry groups and extension personnel to address hurdles and opportunities for alternative marketing strategies for seafood in NY State.
While a variety of resources exist outlining best practices and alternative strategies for marketing seafood products, the specifics of marketing within every state varies significantly due to differences in infrastructure and regulations. Using existing resources and reviewing current regulatory requirements and guidelines the task force has created a series of resource guides that outline the requirements for processing and marketing seafood in New York.
The resources developed include three regulatory guides and nine supplementary resources that provide more detail on the strategies and requirements outlined in the regulatory guides: www.nyseagrant.org/seafoodguides.
On YouTube: Seafood Summit
View videos from the week-long March 2022 event, during which NYSG highlighted some of New York’s bountiful seafood supply and introduced participants to the delicious, diverse, and versatile seafood’s available locally: www.nyseagrant.org/seafoodsummit.

Publication: Plastic Pollution and You
NYSG's Plastic Pollution and You is a 126-page, 15-lesson curriculum focused on a man-made threat to the quality of New York’s marine and freshwater aquatic ecosystems. Read on >>
Apply: Long Island Sound Mentor Teacher Program
Are you a 5th—12th-grade educator interested in leading a workshop that teachers from across New York (around the Sound) will take part in this Fall? Well, the deadline is fast approaching to submit applications for 2022's Long Island Sound Mentor Teacher Program.
The 2022 program, hosted by NYSG and the Long Island Sound Study, is encouraging topics centered around climate change adaptations, sea-level rise, and ecological health.
Three pairs of educators will be selected to conduct one workshop per team and will be given a $1,200 stipend per teacher, a travel budget, and a workshop budget to cover materials, location, etc. New York teachers across Queens, the Bronx, Westchester, and Long Island are encouraged to apply!
National News

NOAA’s 2022 Atlantic Hurricane Outlook
On May 24th, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) announced its predictions for an “above normal” 2022 Atlantic Hurricane Season. Ongoing La Niña and above-average Atlantic temperatures have set the stage for a busy season, which runs from June 1st through November 30th. Learn more >>
Late last November, NOAA confirmed its above-average prediction for the 2021 Atlantic hurricane season, which produced 21 named storms (winds of 39 mph or greater), including seven hurricanes (winds of 74 mph or greater) of which four were major hurricanes (winds of 111 mph or greater). Learn more >>
Be ready — Determine your personal hurricane risk; Find out if you live in a hurricane evacuation zone; Review/update insurance policies; Make a list of items to replenish hurricane emergency supplies; Start thinking about how you will prepare your home for the coming hurricane season. www.noaa.gov/hurricane-prep.
According to a new NOAA study published in mid-May 2022, reducing human-caused air pollution in North America and Europe brings a surprise result: more hurricanes. Learn more >>
Also, check out NOAA's Hurricane Safety, explained. Learn more >>
National Weather Service’s Summer Safety Campaign
Be prepared for seasonal weather hazards with tips from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) U.S. National Weather Service (NWS)'s Summer Safety campaign: www.weather.gov/wrn/summer-safety (English); www.weather.gov/wrn/spanish (Spanish).
Summer is a great time to get outdoors, cool off at the beach or lakeshore, and do all the things you love to do. However, as this summer’s theme implies, “Hazards can escalate quickly." So be alert of, among other things, rough surf and rip currents, lightning strikes, hot vehicles, and tree damage from strong winds, all of which have resulted in lives lost, injuries, and heartbreak. Drought, wildfires, and another potentially active hurricane season require preparation and planning as well.
NOAA NWS’s Rip Current Safety Tool Kit contains presentations, videos, graphics and brochures that provide NWS/United States Lifesaving Association (USLA)-approved rip current safety language.
Regional News

Great Lakes Fish Finder
New York Sea Grant joined Minnesota Sea Grant and other Sea Grant programs from throughout the Great Lakes to develop FreshFishFinder.org.
This regional virtual tool provides consumers with fresh fish seller locations and businesses throughout the Great Lakes region where they can purchase wild-caught and aquaculture-raised fish and seafood products and bait. Learn more >>
The site features a map of the Great Lakes region with fish locator "pins" for each participating fish producer. Details for each business may include a list of types of fish sold, whether sales are online and/or in person, retail outlets that sell their products, a short description and a link to their website.
Fish producers in the region who would like to be included on the site can contact their state's Sea Grant program person, listed under "Participants and Audience" at FreshFishFinder.org.
This Great Lakes website is one of a growing number of Sea Grant-led fish and aquaculture education and extension programs in the Great Lakes region, including the Sea Grant Great Lakes Aquaculture Collaborative. Learn more >>
Northeast Offshore Renewable Energy — Six New Projects Announced
The half dozen projects selected are led by principal investigators in three northeast U.S. states — Maine, New York and Rhode Island. In NYSG's project, led by a PI from Cornell University, the development of a tool is proposed that would empower stakeholders to make more informed decisions that could substantially increase economic efficiencies in the long term, thereby increasing economic resiliency. Read on >>
Long Island Sound Marine Debris Action Plan
Consumer litter, tiny plastic shards, lost or improperly discarded fishing gear and other trash will be more effectively removed or kept out of Long Island Sound under the Marine Debris Action Plan for the estuary completed under the leadership of the Connecticut and New York Sea Grant programs. Read on >>
Seafood Health Facts
Is raw seafood like oysters and sushi safe to eat? What's the difference between farm-raised salmon and salmon caught in the wild? And what, exactly, are omega-3s?
If you have seafood questions, we've got answers: check out the new and improved Seafood Health Facts, a joint project between Delaware Sea Grant, NYSG, and others designed to provide information on risks, benefits and product choices for consumers: www.seafoodhealthfacts.org.
American Lobster Initiative
The Sea Grant American Lobster Initiative (ALI), funded by NOAA’s National Sea Grant College Program, is addressing critical knowledge gaps about American lobster and its iconic fishery in a dynamic and changing environment. The research and extension components of this initiative, which began in 2019, will develop and share new knowledge and understanding with industry stakeholders and resource managers from Maine to New York. Learn more >>
In October 2021, Sea Grant announced $2 million in support of 2021 ALI efforts, including a Stony Brook University research project that is evaluating the impacts of possible climate-induced changes in American lobster life history parameters and alternative management regulations on the lobster population dynamics. Learn more >>
Sea Grant Seaweed Hub
A downloadable Seaweed 101 infographic offering an overview of seaweed species grown commercially in the U.S. and their current market outlets is available via the National Seaweed Hub. Learn more >>
For more on this collaboration, which serves as a science-based, non-advocate resource for the domestic seaweed and seaweed aquaculture industry, visit seaweedhub.org.
NYSG's Currents News Archives (Vol. 9, No. 3)

Keep tabs on NYSG's news in between issues of NY Coastlines / Currents via our Web site (www.nyseagrant.org) and blog (www.nyseagrant.org/blog).
Here's a sampling of other stories that have made waves these past few months on our social media platforms (www.facebook.com/nyseagrant, www.twitter.com/nyseagrant, www.instagram.com/newyorkseagrant, www.youtube.com/nyseagrant) and via our site's News (www.nyseagrant.org/currents) and topic-based News Archives (www.nyseagrant.org/currentsarchive) sections ...

NYSG Extension and Education > Statewide > Seafood
Press Release: Lazy Point Farms Partners with Local Experts to Grow Kelp Industry for New York State (May 2022) Read on >>
Press Release: New York Sea Grant Receives Federal Funding to Enhance the Market for New York Farmed and Fished Seafood (October 2021) Read on >>
NYSG Extension and Education > Statewide > Marine Debris
On YouTube: Sea Grant Offers Curriculum on Plastic Pollution (May 2022) Read on >>
On YouTube: Legislator Sarah Anker and NYSG Announce a New Marine Debris School Curriculum (May 2022) Read on >>
On YouTube: NYSG Curriculum Teaches How to Reduce Impact Marine Debris (April 2022) Read on >>
On YouTube: NYSG Curriculum Teaches Ways to Reduce Plastic Pollution in Marine, Freshwater Environments (April 2022) Read on >>
NYSG Projects > Research & Other Funded Studies
Stories in this section focus on NYSG-funded research and other related work by supported investigators.
In Media: Clarkson Professors Partner to Bolster Training of Tomorrow’s Watershed Stewards (November 2021) Read on >>
On YouTube: HABs — A Summer of Discontent in Long Island's Coastal Waters (October 2021) Read on >>
NYSG Extension and Education > Great Lakes Waters > Education
On YouTube: NYSG, Local Bookstores Urging Young Readers to Take Environmental Action (November 2021) Read on >>
On YouTube: NYSG Offers Educational Resources for Teachers and Students (September 2021) Read on >>
On Air: NYSG Offers New Curriculum, List of Environmental Book Recommendations (September 2021) Read on >>
On Air: NYSG Offers Educational Resources for Teachers and Students (September 2021) Read on >>
In Media: Zoom-Fatigued Rochester-Area Teachers Focus on Nature and Environmental Education (September 2021) Read on >>
In Media: Good News in Conservation Effort for “Living Fossil” Fish (September 2021) Read on >>
NYSG Extension and Education > Great Lakes Waters > Coastal Processes
On Air: Seiche Events on Lake Erie (March 2022) Read on >>
On YouTube: NYSG's Western Lake Ontario, Lake Erie Erosion Workshops (December 2021) Read on >>
NYSG Extension and Education > Great Lakes Waters > Boating
On YouTube: BOAT NY—Safe Boating Tips for Fall through Spring (November 2021—May 2022) Read on >>
In Media: Lake Ontario Waterfront Festival Enjoys Successful Weekend (May 2022) Read on >>
On YouTube: Lake Ontario Water Festival—Discover Clean and Safe Boating, Shipwrecks, Sonar Technology, and More (May 2022) Read on >>
On Air: It's Officially Boating Season (May 2022) Read on >>
On Air: How Much Help Does the Marine Industry Need Right Now? (April 2022) Read on >>
On YouTube: Need a Job? Try the Marine Industry (April 2022) Read on >>
On Air: Marine Industry Job Opportunities (April 2022) Read on >>
On YouTube: Lake Ontario Marine Industry Sees Growth in Preparation for Summer Season (April 2022) Read on >>
On Air: Boat Buying Impacted by Supply Chain Issues (April 2022) Read on >>
On Air: SUNY Oswego Art Exhibit Includes Sea Grant Interpretive Panels (March 2022) Read on >>
On YouTube: Supply Chain Issues Cause CNY Boat Show to Be Canceled (March 2022) Read on >>
On Air: As We See a Seasonal Transition, Recreationalists Should Think It Through, Be Safe (March 2022) Read on >>
On YouTube: Be Careful of Conditions During Transition Season (March 2022) Read on >>
On YouTube: What to Expect on the St. Lawrence River, Lake Ontario as Spring Approaches (March 2022) Read on >>
On Air: Alternatives to Getting Ready for the Busy Boating Season Ahead (February 2022) Read on >>
On YouTube: U.S. Winter Boat Show No-Go? So, Try These Alternatives (January 2022) Read on >>
On Air: Life Jackets Must be Worn Starting November 1st; NYSG Celebrates 50th Anniversary (November 2021) Read on >>
On Air: NYS Life Jacket Law; Looking Ahead at 2022 Boating Season (November 2021) Read on >>
On YouTube: On a Boat After November 1st? Wear a Life Jacket (October 2021) Read on >>
On Air: NYSG Celebrates 50 Years of Bringing Science to the Shore; "Wear Your Lifejacket Season" Kicks Off (October 2021) Read on >>
On YouTube: BOAT NY—Boating is Fabulous in the Fall (September 2021) Read on >>
NYSG Extension and Education > Marine Waters
Press Advisory: Do You Lifeguard at a Long Island Beach? NYSG and MARACOOS Needs Your Feedback (May 2022) Read on >>
In Media: Legislator Anker and NYSG to Host a Public Presentation on Coastal Erosion (May 2022) Read on >>
Press Advisory: NY Teachers—Apply to Lead This Fall's LI Sound Mentor Trainings (March 2022) Read on >>
Press Release: NYSG Expands Long Island Sound Study Outreach Programs in New York City / Western Basin (December 2021) Read on >>
On YouTube: Fighting the Tide (November 2021) Read on >>
In Media: As Flooding Becomes the Norm, City Island Residents Take Reins on Resiliency (October 2021) Read on >>
Press Release: #DontTrashLISound—Annual Campaign Brings Hopeful Perspective on Reducing Plastic Pollution (August 2021) Read on >>
In Media: Opinion—Everyone Can Help Make Clean Beaches a Reality (August 2021) Read on >>
In Media: Annual #DontTrashLISound Campaign Aims to Reduce Plastic Pollution (August 2021) Read on >>
NYSG Archives > NY Coastlines
In Media: Sea Grant's Summer #BEachSAFEly Campaign Receives National Award (August 2021) Read on >>
In Media: Sea Grant Spotlights Youth-Focused Jones Beach Marine Camp (August 2021) Read on >>