Dave White, New York Sea Grant, Recreation and Tourism Specialist, P: 315-312- 3042, E:
Oswego, NY, March 18, 2022 - New York Sea Grant Coastal Recreation and Tourism Specialist Dave White discusses a collaboration with SUNY Oswego on an art exhibit that includes Sea Grant's interpretive panels with an additional segment on ice out and open water safety.
The exhibit, which runs through April 2nd, features artist Alberto Rey work that focuses on the Oswego River and Lake Ontario.
White talks about what a rich history the area waterways have and how this is such a great way to learn more.
This information was shared during a 10+ minute long segment that aired on several 93Q programs, including Street Talk and Ted and Amy in the Morning. 93Q broadcasts on WNTQ-FM in the greater Syracuse region.
You can listen to White's full conversation on 93Q, which starts at 13 mins 09 seconds in on the clip below ...
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Full Transcript:
Speaker1: [00:00:04] Welcome to Street Talk, a public affairs presentation of Cumulus Media aired on our Cumulus stations in Syracuse Street. Talk is a weekly show keeping you in touch with the individuals and organizations that work for and serve our community. We're your hosts, Ted and Amy.
Speaker1: [00:13:09] SUNY Oswego is having an exhibit featuring artist Alberto Ray, which focuses on the Oswego River and Lake Ontario. It's running through April 2nd. Dave White of New York Sea Grant talks about what a rich history the area waterways have and how this is such a great way to learn more.
Speaker4: [00:13:25] You know, this is, you know, as we go from winter to spring, [00:13:30] you know, March is such a dynamic month. You know, we continue New York Sea Grant to celebrate our 50th anniversary. So, you know, we still got folks that are doing some ice fishing and activities. We got folks that are starting to do open water activities. And we have a great art exhibit going on up at SUNY Oswego that specifically talks about Lake Ontario. And yes, we go River.
Speaker3: [00:13:51] I love hearing the history. I know that, you know, you were very much into that when you were doing the exhibits at the New York State Fair. But very rich history when it comes [00:14:00] to boating and shipwrecks.
Speaker4: [00:14:02] There is. And, you know, we're excited to partner with the folks at SUNY Oswego and artist Alberto Ray. He's actually from SUNY Fredonia and he's done some just exceptional work. And Oswego was able to bring him to campus to do what's called the biological regionalism Oswego River and Lake Ontario exhibit, which is on exhibit during the month of April and Tyler Hall. And we're just excited to partner with him as well because [00:14:30] to broaden out the exhibit, they asked us to bring our state fair exhibit three over the last four years in support of that project. So we've got information on Great Lakes, shipwrecks, the waterways of war and lighthouses that actually are augmenting Alberto Ray's exhibit, which is just extremely fascinating because it's all new artwork that he did specifically for this exhibit on Oswego River in Lake Ontario.
Speaker3: [00:14:56] Well, talk a little bit about it. I mean, obviously, we don't want to give away all the secrets, but [00:15:00] talk a little bit about the highlights.
Speaker4: [00:15:02] You know, and people can go on to his Web site. And he actually produced a book that supports it, which reads, you know, with some additional folks that really talks about the history and our use of the waterway. I will tell you, what I was most fascinated by is he actually provides a time lapse video of him doing one of the paintings. You know, most of us never we only see a final product. We don't know about what goes into it. So I'll actually as part of the exhibit, [00:15:30] he actually shows you what it takes to develop an original artwork on the Oswego River and Lake Ontario area. So, you know, I, I sat there and just fascination watching that time lapse video and then seeing the final product artwork there. So it's really very cool. And like I say, you know, for folks that want to go up, if you go online, the book is a PDF online, you'll just get so much more information as well as the history of it and some great articles that were written by some partners.
Speaker3: [00:15:59] And, you know, talk [00:16:00] a little bit about the lighthouses because obviously back in the day, I mean, they're so cool now and still needed, but just back in the day, that was really the only way to guide these sailors in.
Speaker4: [00:16:11] Absolutely. And he does some great artwork about the lighthouses and our exhibit tree. We talk about, you know, Oswego Lighthouse, specifically lighthouse keepers. The job that they had, you know, as we now know, most of them are automated, but it does, you know, and as we take each one of these little maritime history pieces, [00:16:30] whether it be lighthouses or shipwrecks or, you know, the waterways of war, I mean, we are so connected to the history of the United States. And you've heard me say that before the history of the United States began here, you know, with the access to the Great Lakes and the battles that were fought in the canal system in the Oswego River. I mean, this this is where the action was back then. So to learn about that and then to have Alberto bring us up to date with his artwork that talks about a lot [00:17:00] of the various components in history. I just I just have found it fascinating, you know, and I'll be honest, I'm not a real art person. But, you know, seeing this exhibit and watching it come to life has been absolutely fascinating to see and to be a part of.
Speaker3: [00:17:14] And also, we quickly mentioned shipwrecks, but I mean, that, unfortunately, was part of the history as well.
Speaker4: [00:17:21] You know, it was you know, it is part of our history. You know, we're excited now to be continuing to work with the Maritime Museum and [00:17:30] the work that they're doing to bring shipwrecks to life. But also, you know, we got to talk about, you know, the Lake Ontario National Marine Sanctuary that's being proposed, which, you know, is that next step in just, you know, bringing that underwater world. And, you know, you know, the press right now is all about the endeavor having been found. And that just gets us excited. It's a snapshot of our history in time. And we have those same kind of resources. I mean, the resources we have in the Great Lakes go back to the French and Indian War, Revolutionary War, you know, [00:18:00] priests, you know, you know, pre colonization of New York. So the history that's there and the things we can learn from it are just magnificent. To help us learn more today about, you know, you know, learn from the past, live to the future. It just provides that great opportunity.
Speaker3: [00:18:17] I see also you are providing some panels on invasive species, which is also, unfortunately, a big part of the Great Lakes.
Speaker4: [00:18:25] Yeah. You know, we've embedded that in all of the activities we do because it is a part of our life, you [00:18:30] know, dealing with invasive species, whether you're a water intake, whether you're a boater, whether you're an angler, whether you're just a recreational user of any ilk along our lakes and underwater under our lakes, you know, we all need to be concerned about the continued transport of invasive species because each one that we get modifies the system now. Now we have some that we put in intentionally. You know, we always have to, you know, realize we've had to do things to help control invasive with other invasives. But, you know, now it's all part of the plan as to how do we do this, how do we manage [00:19:00] them, how do we monitor them, not only, you know, upland as well as aquatic and, you know, looking at all those systems with partners and we, you know, we all can be a part of the solution to that, making sure that we're not transporting it. You know, even those of us that, you know, love to kayak and canoe, we can be a part of that problem as well. So we want to make sure, you know, in sharing that information as we begin, the transition from ice fishing to boating also becomes critically important as we start thinking about getting those boats in the open water. It is going on [00:19:30] until April 2nd, 11 to 3. Each day you can go online to the SUNY Oswego website and get more information. And it is in the Tyler Art Gallery on campus.
Speaker3: [00:19:41] Perfect. And yes, let's talk about that open water, David. I mean, it's going to be boating season before we know it. And truthfully, now, though, is kind of an iffy time on the waterways because I think people are still liking their winter sports but still looking to the the spring. And so just a dangerous time. I would think. [00:20:00]
Speaker4: [00:20:00] It is a time to really. Be considerate of your and the people around you. Safety. You know, I leave my house and I drive by Oneida Lake on my way to work in the morning and I'll see ice shanties out and I'll get to my office at SUNY Oswego and I'll look out and see, you know, boats in the harbor, even, you know, we have microclimates across the area. So, you know, it really behooves each of us, as we are continuing to, you know, enjoy our winter activities. And then as we head towards our open water activities, safety [00:20:30] is paramount, you know, making sure that the ice is still safe for, you know, if you're going to be out there in an ice shanty or you're thinking of taking a vessel out, really heed the warnings from, you know, our good law enforcement folks that, you know, they're out there. And when they start talking about please stay off, you know, the ice, they've done an analysis. You know, they want to make sure people are safe. And then as we start to go into open water, we have to remember the ice is just off, which means the water is extremely cold. Hypothermia can set in. So, you know, in both circumstances [00:21:00] right now, you really want to be wearing a life jacket now on a boat you're required to. But as you're going out ice fishing, you know, you and I have talked before like a float coat or a float suit that has, you know, a PFD built into it.
Speaker4: [00:21:12] So that if you do go through the ice, you know, you're going to pop back up, you've got your life saving device on. So, you know, you might be thinking about a little modification to what you're doing. I'm both of those. You know, if you're going to be going out open water, where are you going? Is it fully open? What's the water temperature [00:21:30] going to be? You know, making sure you're letting somebody know, you know, we call it a float plan and open water. But, you know, it can be an ice plan. When you're going out on the ice, make sure someone knows where you're going. When do you plan to be back in case there's an emergency? You know, and a lot of folks forget, you know, if you're walking out on the ice and you fall in, you probably have your phone in your pocket, which is now rendered it useless. So if you are out, make sure you have one of those containers for your phone to keep your phone dry so that if you [00:22:00] do have a problem, you can call for help. So it's it's a little bit of a nuanced change as we go from ice to open water. Both of them have specific things we really need to be thinking about as we do the transition.
Speaker3: [00:22:11] And you mentioned that you are required to wear a life preserver. I mean, that's always a good idea. But certain months, you it's it's the law that you have to it.
Speaker4: [00:22:19] Is you have to wear a life jacket on open waters until May 1st. You know, everybody on board, regardless of age, you need to have that life jacket not only [00:22:30] on the boat, but you need to be wearing it. And wearing it means that it's securely fastened. So that, again, if you do have a problem, you know, if you you know, I've done the in-water demonstrations in 45 degree water. And, you know, I always share with people watch what happens when I jump in in the first thing that happens is I lose my breath, you know. So, you know, and when you lose your breath, if you don't have a life jacket on, it gets you disoriented. So, you know, I always show people this is what happens now. You know, we do it in that nice, safe environment where I've got my colleagues there ready to pull me back [00:23:00] out of the water. But those are the things you have to be thinking about. And that's why the life jacket is required, especially if you're going to be out alone. And a lot of folks do go out alone early in the season. You really want to have that life jacket on. You want to have a form of communication. You know, if you've got any fur, you know, that's where you want to have it on board with you. You want to have a bright color so that if you do have a problem, you know, those that are coming out to rescue can see you. So it's just thinking about some different nuances about what's going on this time of year, because [00:23:30] this time of year we do have both. We have open water as well as let's.
Speaker1: [00:23:34] See more at

In Media: ‘Biological Regionalism’ exhibition, programs to highlight importance of local waterways
Oswego, NY, February 21, 2022 - “Alberto Rey: Biological Regionalism: Oswego River and Lake Ontario” — an exploration of the history and the present condition of these waterways by the noted artist — will culminate in an exhibition opening March 4 in SUNY Oswego’s Tyler Art Gallery and at a series of campus and community events.
Connecting with SUNY Oswego's previous Grand Challenge: Fresh Water for All project, the goal of this program is to combine science, art and community interaction to create conversations on cultural, social, economic, technological and geopolitical issues related to these key local bodies of freshwater.
Running from March 4 to April 2, the “Alberto Rey: Biological Regionalism: Oswego River and Lake Ontario” exhibition includes a series of large paintings, historical information, ecological research, large maps, video projections and an illustrated catalog. Highlights on Friday, March 4, include an opening reception with the artist in Tyler Art Gallery from 5 to 7 p.m. as well as Rey giving a special gallery tour and taking questions from visitors at 2 p.m.
A range of community partners – including SUNY Oswego’s Artswego Performing Arts Program, Tyler Art Gallery and Rice Creek Field Station; New York Sea Grant; the Oswego County School District; the H. Lee White Maritime Museum; and River’s End Bookstore – are working together for programming to include art workshops for children and adults, nature walks, lectures and discussions with the artist and area educators and researchers on related topics, special tours, a catalog release, family-friendly storytelling and more.
Natural impact
New York has the second longest shoreline of any of the Great Lakes States, as well as a significant portion of the North Coast of the United States. As one of the five Great Lakes, Lake Ontario is a vitally important natural asset. The Great Lakes cover more than 94,000 square miles and hold an estimated 6 quadrillion gallons of water – about one-fifth of the world’s fresh surface water supply and nine-tenths of the U.S. supply.
The system is invaluable as the source of drinking water for more than 48 million people in the U.S. and Canada. The lakes directly generate more than 1.5 million jobs and $60 billion in wages annually. They also are home for more than 3,500 plant and animal species, some of which are found nowhere else on Earth. Recreation on the Great Lakes – including world-renowned boating, hunting and fishing opportunities – generate more than $52 billion annually for the region.
Yet the declining and fragile health of the Great Lakes is not widely recognized even among those who live on their shores, organizers noted. Because of human activities, at least 10 species of fish have gone extinct and at least 15 non-native species have been introduced in the Great Lakes in the last 200 years. Pollutants in the Great Lakes system tend to intensify due to the relatively slow movement of water from west to east.
“Biological Regionalism: Oswego River and Lake Ontario” brings the focus even closer to home, as the exhibition addresses the current status and future issues surrounding Oswego County’s most precious natural resource. This exhibition identifies as art, science and activism, filling the need of uniting local audiences of all ages to build awareness and pride in these local bodies of freshwater and the complex ecosystem they support.
Related events
Activities will begin on Thursday, March 3, with a catalog release and signing from 5 to 7 p.m. at River’s End Bookstore, corner of 19 West Bridge St. in downtown Oswego. The public is invited to stop by to pick up a complimentary exhibition catalog for “Biological Regionalism: Oswego River and Lake Ontario” and have it signed by Rey. Donations will support River's End and Rice Creek Field Station. Refreshments will be served.
From March 3 to April 2, a display of educational banners from New York Sea Grant about invasive species, shipwrecks and historical lighthouses of the Great Lakes region will be on display in the Tyler Hall lobby.
A series of community events in early April will bring this project to audiences of all ages. These include:
April 2, 10 a.m.: Children’s Gyotaku Fish Printing, H. Lee White Maritime Museum, foot of West First Street in Oswego. Printmaker Suzanne Beason will help visitors create their own fish print using this traditional Japanese technique, as well as experiment with vinyl fish replicas and learn about species found in Lake Ontario. This activity is designed for ages 6 to 17.
April 2, 2 p.m.: Biological Regionalism: Oswego River & Lake Ontario Curator’s Tour, Tyler Art Gallery. Co-curators Michael Flanagan and Miranda Traudt will lead a tour of the exhibition at Tyler Art Gallery and discuss the process of creating the far-ranging display.
April 9, 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.: Interactive Nature Hike by Oswego County Soil and Water Conservation District, Rice Creek Field Station. Staff from Oswego County Soil and Water Conservation District will be on site with a fun and interactive self-guided nature trail. It will feature more than 25 items to view related to the environment and outdoors. All items have a correlating question and answer on a printed sign. (Event will be indoors if weather necessitates.)
April 9: Bird Drawing Workshops for Children (10 a.m.) and Adults (1 p.m.), Rice Creek Field Station. Join Cazenovia College art professor and lifelong birder Anita Welych for a chance to learn about and depict a local shore bird in pencil and watercolor. Ages 10 and up recommended for the children’s session. Some prior drawing experience is recommended.
April 9, 11 a.m.: Guided Nature Walk by Rice Creek Naturalist, Rice Creek Field Station. Rice Creek's naturalists will be the guides as visitors explore the forests, fields, wetlands and waterways of the 350-acre wildlife preserve. Suitable for all ages.
April 9, noon: Storytelling Activity by Rice Creek Naturalist, Rice Creek Field Station. Visitors will hear tales of nature, the wild ways of animals and how humans relate to the natural world. These programs are designed for elementary-aged children, though all are welcome.
Funding for the project came from a SUNY Oswego Grand Challenge Fresh Water for All Mini Grant, as well as Artswego, CNY Arts, NOAA Sea Grant, Rice Creek Association, Richard S. Shineman Foundation and the college's Student Art Exhibition Committee/Student Association.
For more information and to register for community programs, contact Michael Flanagan, director of Tyler Art Gallery, at
More Info: New York Sea Grant
New York Sea Grant (NYSG), a cooperative program of Cornell University
and the State University of New York (SUNY), is one of 34 university-based
programs under the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s
National Sea Grant College Program.
Since 1971, NYSG has represented a statewide network of integrated
research, education and extension services promoting coastal community
economic vitality, environmental sustainability and citizen awareness
and understanding about the State’s marine and Great Lakes resources.
Through NYSG’s efforts, the combined talents of university scientists
and extension specialists help develop and transfer science-based
information to many coastal user groups—businesses and industries,
federal, state and local government decision-makers and agency managers,
educators, the media and the interested public.
The program maintains Great Lakes offices at Cornell University, SUNY
Buffalo, SUNY Oswego and the Wayne County Cooperative Extension office
in Newark. In the State's marine waters, NYSG has offices at Stony Brook
University in Long Island, Brooklyn College and Cornell Cooperative
Extension in NYC and Kingston in the Hudson Valley.
For updates on Sea Grant activities: has RSS, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube links. NYSG offers a free e-list sign up via for its flagship publication, NY Coastlines/Currents, which is published quarterly.