NY Sea Grant NEMO is based on Long Island, where vast aquatic
resources fringe the nearly 1000 miles of Long Island coastline. Long
Island Sound, the South Shore Estuary Reserve and the Peconic Estuary
recreational, cultural and environmental resources that are integral to
the quality of life on Long Island. Decades of rapid growth have
resulted in impaired surface water quality, restricted or closed bathing
beaches, closed shellfish beds, reduced navigability, declining
shoreline aesthetics, and degraded wetlands and wildlife habitats.
Nonpoint source pollution, or contaminated runoff, has been identified
as a primary cause.
Local government officials are working to address the need to
improve protection and restoration of their natural resources while
providing for economic growth. They are also making strides in meeting
the requirements of the recent federal water pollution control program
known as the EPA Phase II stormwater regulations, which are directed at
the discharge of polluted stormwater by municipal separate storm sewer
New York Sea Grant’s NEMO (Nonpoint Education for Municipal
Officials) program provides assistance to Long Island officials in
building on natural resource protection efforts while achieving federal
stormwater regulatory compliance.
Most Long Island municipalities must meet the requirements of the
EPA Phase II regulations, which mandate comprehensive stormwater
management programs. NYSG NEMO facilitates a proactive watershed-based
management strategy that leverages the objectives of municipal Phase II
programs and the management objectives of Long Island’s three Estuary
programs. This approach is effective in responding to local concerns
about funding, staffing, technical expertise, and the achievement of
real local improvements. Acting as liaison, NYSG NEMO, through its
workshops and consultations, has advanced intermunicipal approaches to
stormwater impact mitigation on Long Island. NYSG NEMO promotes
watershed-based intermunicipal implementation of Phase II programs to
ensure cost-effective Phase II budgets, and consistent approaches to
land use policies that result in maximized resource protection.
NYSG NEMO is a member of the National NEMO Network, a growing
partnership of NEMO programs throughout the country. The NEMO Program
was created in 1991 at the University of Connecticut, as a collaboration
of the Cooperative Extension System, the Connecticut Sea Grant College
Program and the Natural Resources Management and Engineering Department.
NEMO programs nationwide are at the forefront in addressing some of the
most pressing land use and water quality issues local governments face
and they are widely recognized for providing effective tools, expertise,
and assistance to local decision makers seeking to protect coastal
resources. For more on the National NEMO Network, click here.
What is Stormwater?
Stormwater is water from rain or melting snow that doesn't soak
into the ground but runs off into waterways. It flows from rooftops,
over paved areas and bare soil, and through sloped lawns while picking
up a variety of materials on its way. (more)