New York Sea Grant Site Review Click here to learn about the public comment period NYSG's upcoming site review.
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06/27/2024 2024 Shipboard Science Workshop on Lake Erie | Great Lakes Coastal Youth Education - Press Release: Two western NY teachers selected for a shipboard science workshop on EPA Research Vessel Lake Guardian on Lake Erie
11/10/2023 Summer 2023's Shipboard Science Workshop Lessons Shared at Teachers Conference in Syracuse | Great Lakes Coastal Youth Education - News: November 2023's Science Teachers Association of NYS Conference in Syracuse included a session on Great Lakes lessons learned and curriculum developed aboard the federal Research Vessel Lake Guardian on Lake Ontario in 2023 with NYSG Great Lakes Literacy Specialist Nate Drag.
07/26/2023 On YouTube: Teachers on Great Lakes Research Ship Take Science Back to Their Classrooms | Great Lakes Coastal Youth Education - News: One of the media clips featuring the 15 educators from five states along the Great Lakes who became scientists in early July during the 2023 Shipboard Science Workshop on Lake Ontario aboard the Lake Guardian, the U.S. EPA Great Lakes National Program Office research vessel.
07/15/2023 On YouTube: Teachers Spend Week Aboard Research Ship | Great Lakes Coastal Youth Education - News: One of the media clips featuring the 15 educators from five states along the Great Lakes who became scientists in early July during the 2023 Shipboard Science Workshop on Lake Ontario aboard the Lake Guardian, the U.S. EPA Great Lakes National Program Office research vessel.
07/13/2023 On YouTube: Teachers Wanted for Great Lakes Experience | Great Lakes Coastal Youth Education - News: One of the media clips featuring the 15 educators from five states along the Great Lakes who became scientists in early July during the 2023 Shipboard Science Workshop on Lake Ontario aboard the Lake Guardian, the U.S. EPA Great Lakes National Program Office research vessel.
07/13/2023 On YouTube: Rochester Teachers Set Sail for Hands-On GL Research to Inspire Classroom Lessons | Great Lakes Coastal Youth Education - News: One of the media clips featuring the 15 educators from five states along the Great Lakes who became scientists in early July during the 2023 Shipboard Science Workshop on Lake Ontario aboard the Lake Guardian, the U.S. EPA Great Lakes National Program Office research vessel.
07/13/2023 On YouTube: Two Rochester Teachers Chosen for Week-Long Research Sail on Lake Ontario | Great Lakes Coastal Youth Education - News: One of the media clips featuring the 15 educators from five states along the Great Lakes who became scientists in early July during the 2023 Shipboard Science Workshop on Lake Ontario aboard the Lake Guardian, the U.S. EPA Great Lakes National Program Office research vessel.
07/13/2023 On YouTube: Rochester Teachers Aboard Lake Ontario Science Vessel | Great Lakes Coastal Youth Education - News: One of the media clips featuring the 15 educators from five states along the Great Lakes who became scientists in early July during the 2023 Shipboard Science Workshop on Lake Ontario aboard the Lake Guardian, the U.S. EPA Great Lakes National Program Office research vessel.
07/13/2023 On YouTube: Local Teacher to Learn from Scientists Aboard Lake Ontario Research Vessel | Great Lakes Coastal Youth Education - News: One of the media clips featuring the 15 educators from five states along the Great Lakes who became scientists in early July during the 2023 Shipboard Science Workshop on Lake Ontario aboard the Lake Guardian, the U.S. EPA Great Lakes National Program Office research vessel.
07/13/2023 On YouTube: North Tonawanda Biology Teacher Selected to Explore Lake Ontario | Great Lakes Coastal Youth Education - News: One of the media clips featuring the 15 educators from five states along the Great Lakes who became scientists in early July during the 2023 Shipboard Science Workshop on Lake Ontario aboard the Lake Guardian, the U.S. EPA Great Lakes National Program Office research vessel.
07/13/2023 On YouTube: Belleville-Henderson Teacher Chosen to Work on EPA Research Ship | Great Lakes Coastal Youth Education - News: One of the media clips featuring the 15 educators from five states along the Great Lakes who became scientists in early July during the 2023 Shipboard Science Workshop on Lake Ontario aboard the Lake Guardian, the U.S. EPA Great Lakes National Program Office research vessel.
07/13/2023 On YouTube: Two RCSD teachers Will Embark on Lake Ontario Journey for Science Workshop | Great Lakes Coastal Youth Education - News: One of the media clips featuring the 15 educators from five states along the Great Lakes who became scientists in early July during the 2023 Shipboard Science Workshop on Lake Ontario aboard the Lake Guardian, the U.S. EPA Great Lakes National Program Office research vessel.
07/12/2023 On Air: EPA Teacher Research Vessel Makes Stop at Port of Oswego | Great Lakes Coastal Youth Education - News: One of the media clips featuring the 15 educators from five states along the Great Lakes who became scientists in early July during the 2023 Shipboard Science Workshop on Lake Ontario aboard the Lake Guardian, the U.S. EPA Great Lakes National Program Office research vessel.
07/09/2023 On YouTube, On Air: Teachers Learn Aboard the Lake Guardian | Great Lakes Coastal Youth Education - News: Check out media clips featuring the 15 educators from five Great Lakes states who were scientists in early July during the 2023 Shipboard Science Workshop on Lake Ontario aboard the EPA's R/V Lake Guardian.
06/14/2023 Educators to Learn from Scientists and NY Sea Grant Aboard Ship on Lake Ontario | Great Lakes Coastal Youth Education - Press Release: Fifteen educators from five states along the Great Lakes will become scientists in early July during the 2023 Shipboard Science Workshop on Lake Ontario aboard the Lake Guardian, the U.S. EPA Great Lakes National Program Office research vessel.
03/22/2019 New York Coastlines, Late Winter 2019 | Publications - Articles / Web Extras: In June, NYSG will release the late Spring / early Summer '19 issue of its flagship publication, New York Coastlines. E-subscribers will receive it first, so be sure to sign up ... and, in the meantime, check out our late Winter '19 edition.
09/13/2018 New York Coastlines, Late Summer - Early Fall 2018 | Publications - Articles / Web Extras: NY Coastlines—NYSG's flagship publication—and its news archive, Currents, highlight news, events and other activities from our coastal program's various research, extension and education endeavors throughout NY's marine and Great Lakes waters.
12/04/2013 On YouTube, On Blog: Teachers Participate in Research on Great Lakes | Great Lakes Coastal Youth Education - News: July 2013 was the first time in five years that the US EPA's R/V Lake Guardian had been out on Lake Ontario for a week-long "Shipboard and Shoreline Science Workshop" and it'll be another five before it comes around again.
06/26/2013 Educators to Explore Lake Ontario from Land and Water During Two Workshops | Great Lakes Coastal Youth Education - Press Release: In July 2013, NYSG Coastal Education Specialist Helen Domske will welcome teachers in New York and several other Great Lakes states to two separate experience-through-learning tours of Lake Ontario.
05/06/2013 Great Lakes-Lake Oneida Shoreline Field Experience Workshop | Great Lakes Coastal Youth Education - Press Release: Watershed teachers and youth educators will attend a free workshop set for late July 2013 and receive a $400 stipend to help them develop a locally-relevant Community Stewardship Project with their students.
04/12/2013 Teachers Have Opportunity for Week-Long Lake Ontario Cruise | Great Lakes Coastal Youth Education - Press Release: New York Sea Grant is taking applications for a week-long teacher training cruise on Lake Ontario. The July 7-13 Shipboard and Shoreline Science Workshop takes place aboard the 180-foot EPA Great Lakes National Program Office research vessel the Lake Guardian, docking in Youngstown, NY.
07/02/2012 Teachers Wanted for Lake Ontario Field Workshop | Great Lakes Coastal Youth Education - News: Teachers and watershed educators are being invited to register for the July 23-26, 2012 Great Lakes Lake Ontario Field Experiences Workshop that also includes learning opportunities on Oneida Lake.
12/19/2011 NYS Conservationist Magazine Examines NYSG's First 40 Years | NYSG @ 40 - News: Recreational and commercial fishermen, seafood businesses, municipalities, researchers and educators—these are some of the important stakeholders that are served by New York Sea Grant, now in its 40th year of Bringing Science to the Shore.
10/25/2010 A WWWeb of Lake Ontario Learning | New York Coastlines, Fall 2010: Teachers on this past summer’s Lake Ontario tour have been all along New York’s lakeshore. Now they're back in the classroom and sharing their new wealth of hands-on knowledge with students.
08/03/2010 Teachers’ Experiences Detailed on Lake Ontario Blog | Great Lakes Coastal Youth Education - Press Release: Daily blog posts, by New York Sea Grant's Web Content Manager Paul C. Focazio,  document late-July's "2010 Lake Ontario Exploration Workshop for Educators."
07/19/2010 2010 Lake Ontario Exploration Workshop | Great Lakes Coastal Youth Education - News: From July 25-30, 2010, COSEE Great Lakes hosts a group of educators to learn from lake scientists at research sites along New York’s Lake Ontario shoreline. Daily blog posts will be made along the journey.
08/01/2008 Lake Ontario Shipboard Science For Educators | Great Lakes Coastal Youth Education - News (Lake Guardian, July '08): New York Sea Grant is hosting 15 teachers and non-formal environmental educators for a week-long, hands-on learning cruise aboard the federal research vessel the Peter Wise Lake Guardian this week (July 13-19).
06/20/2008 Lake Ontario Shipboard Science For Educators | Great Lakes Coastal Youth Education - News: Check out the daily blog from our week-long cruise for teachers and researchers studying Lake Ontario aboard the USEPA's Lake Guardian!

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