08/13/2024 |
Environmental Justice Needs Assessment for Communities in LI Sound Region | Publications: Success Stories - Extension (2024): This environmental justice needs assessment, conducted by NYSG and LISS partners, will help shape future environmental programming and resources to be more useful, relevant, and accessible to underserved populations.
04/28/2023 |
Long Island Sound Environmental Justice Needs Assessment Underway | Long Island Sound Study - News: Long Island Sound Study is working with a natural resources consulting group to assess the needs, concerns, and challenges facing underserved populations and vulnerable communities related to their coastal environments.
05/30/2022 |
New York Coastlines, Spring 2022 | Publications - Articles: Check out stories from the Spring 2022 issue of our flagship publication, NY Coastlines, and be sure you're on our e-list to receive our next issue, which is slated for release this Fall, likely in mid-late November, to our e-subscribers. We'll send you issues weeks before they're online.
08/05/2021 |
Educators: Try These Free Teaching Resources from New York Sea Grant | New York's Great Lakes: Ecosystem Education Exchange - Press Release: This school year, New York Sea Grant is providing teachers with new educational resources that were developed via collaborations with other Sea Grant Programs in the Great Lakes and with regional educators.
05/08/2021 |
New York Coastlines, Spring 2021 | Publications - Articles: Check out stories from the Spring 2021 issue of our flagship publication, NY Coastlines, and be sure you're on our e-list to receive our next issue, which is slated for release over the summer to our e-subscribers. We'll send you issues weeks before they're online.
01/23/2021 |
New York Coastlines, Winter 2021 | Publications - Articles: Check out stories from the Winter 2021 issue of our flagship publication, NY Coastlines, and be sure you're on our e-list to receive our next issue, which is slated for release in May to our e-subscribers. We'll send you issues weeks before they're online.
01/02/2021 |
On Air: Coastal Resilience in the Hudson Valley | Hudson River Estuary - News: In this episode from season five of the series, NYSG's Hudson River Estuary Resilience Specialist joins in a discussion on how the Hudson Valley and its local communities are planning to enhance their resilience to climate-related coastal threats.
12/25/2020 |
In Media: Sea Grant and Buffalo Niagara Waterkeeper Hold an Online Teacher Training | Great Lakes Coastal Youth Education - News: An online teacher training series focuses on how to engage students in understanding their local environmental context through the lens of environmental justice while utilizing remote and virtual stewardship activities.
10/13/2020 |
Buffalo Public Schools’ Educator Receives NAAEE 2020 EE 30 Under 30 Award | Great Lakes Coastal Youth Education - Press Release: Educator Marcus Rosten, an Aquatic Ecology Teacher from Buffalo Public Schools, will assist in a New York Sea Grant Youth Education Initiative
08/05/2020 |
NYSG Receives $100,000 to Offer Watershed STEM Education in Niagara Falls School District | Great Lakes Coastal Youth Education - Press Release: NYSG is using this Watershed STEM Education Partnership funding to develop virtual after-school academic enrichment activities for students and professional development programming for teachers at two sites in NY’s Niagara Falls School District.