12/19/2024 |
Over $1M Awarded to Support Climate Resilience Planning in 15 Long Island Sound Communities | Long Island Sound Study - Press Release: LIS Resilience Planning Support Program provides planning support to advance climate resilience-focused projects by matching communities with qualified contractors to assist with their needs, with no match required from communities.
09/05/2024 |
Long Island Sound Study Launches New Resilience Resource Hub Website | Long Island Sound Study - Press Release: Long Island Sound Study announces the official launch of the Long Island Sound Resilience Resource Hub website, a user-friendly platform designed to enhance the resilience of New York and Connecticut coastal communities.
08/13/2024 |
NYSG Brings Educators to the Shore and Ocean Literacy into Classrooms | Publications: Success Stories - Extension (2024): LIS Mentor Teacher Program provides peer-to-peer, hands-on, place-based and STEM-focused professional development opportunities, brings ocean/environmental literacy into classrooms throughout LIS’s Coastal and Inland Communities.
08/13/2024 |
Breaking Down Barriers to a Resilient Long Island Sound | Publications: Success Stories - Extension (2024): The Long Island Sound Resilience Grant Writing Assistance Program is an innovative and responsive approach to increasing sustainable and resilient-focused project implementation across the LIS coastal watershed
08/13/2024 |
Resilience Training Series Empowers Coastal Long Island Sound Communities | Publications: Success Stories - Extension (2024): LISS Sustainable and Resilient Communities Extension Professionals developed a multi-part series of virtual and in-person events to empower participants to increase the resilience of their communities to climate change and other environmental threats
08/13/2024 |
Environmental Justice Needs Assessment for Communities in LI Sound Region | Publications: Success Stories - Extension (2024): This environmental justice needs assessment, conducted by NYSG and LISS partners, will help shape future environmental programming and resources to be more useful, relevant, and accessible to underserved populations.
08/12/2024 |
Coastal Erosion Forums Enhance Knowledge and Coordination Across LI Sound Communities | Publications: Success Stories - Extension (2024): The Long Island Sound Coastal Erosion Forums held in Suffolk and Nassau Counties brought together more than 90 state and local decision-makers, planners, engineers, and environmental professionals to learn and discuss how to address erosion and increase community resilience.
11/21/2023 |
In Media: LI Sound Study Work Group Helps Create Plan To Protect Island's Vulnerable Marshland | Long Island Sound Study - News: Long Island Sound Study's Sustainable and Resilient Communities Work Group's “goal is to help communities anticipate and overcome disturbances caused by a changing climate" such as sea level rise, extreme weather events and other impacts.
08/21/2023 |
Protecting Water Quality, from Far above the Earth | Research – News: Satellites have been used in a study led by a City College of New York investigator to monitor water quality in the Long Island Sound — taking measurements over wide spans of territory and time.
07/27/2023 |
Long Island Sound Facts - Social Media Campaign | Long Island Sound Study - News: #LISoundFacts is a collection of facts about the health of Long Island Sound and its diverse habitat and wildlife.
05/28/2023 |
On YouTube: ABC 7's 'Kickoff to a Long Island Summer' — Sea Grant Examines the Health of the Sound | Long Island Sound (Research) - News: As highlighted in the Eyewitness News annual summer special, a suite of new projects focusing on Long Island Sound are supported by more than $6.3 million in total funds.
05/16/2023 |
Sea Grant and LISS's 2023 Long Island Sound Coastal Erosion Forums | Long Island Sound Study - News: Two early May 2023 forums brought together a total of 90 attendees (including state and local decision makers, municipal state, and other stakeholders) working to address coastal erosion along the Long Island Sound shoreline.
04/28/2023 |
Long Island Sound Environmental Justice Needs Assessment Underway | Long Island Sound Study - News: Long Island Sound Study is working with a natural resources consulting group to assess the needs, concerns, and challenges facing underserved populations and vulnerable communities related to their coastal environments.
04/26/2023 |
In Media: Free Shuttle to Offer Trips to Long Island Sound Beaches For Those Lacking Rides | Long Island Sound (Research) - News: These new projects — focusing on Long Island Sound marshes, water quality, public beaches and seeking information that can be used to improve the conditions of the estuary for humans and wildlife — are supported by more than $6.3 million in total funds.
04/26/2023 |
In Media: Long Island Sound Research Projects Land $6.3M | Long Island Sound (Research) - News: These new projects — focusing on Long Island Sound marshes, water quality, public beaches and seeking information that can be used to improve the conditions of the estuary for humans and wildlife — are supported by more than $6.3 million in total funds.
04/26/2023 |
On Air: Nine Long Island Sound Research Studies Receive Federal Funding | Long Island Sound (Research) - News: These new projects — focusing on Long Island Sound marshes, water quality, public beaches and seeking information that can be used to improve the conditions of the estuary for humans and wildlife — are supported by more than $6.3 million in total funds.
04/26/2023 |
In Media: Research Projects on Protecting Long Island Sound to Be Funded With $6.3M in Grants | Long Island Sound (Research) - News: These new projects — focusing on Long Island Sound marshes, water quality, public beaches and seeking information that can be used to improve the conditions of the estuary for humans and wildlife — are supported by more than $6.3 million in total funds.
04/26/2023 |
In Media: Aquarium-Led Project Focuses on Salt Marshes | Long Island Sound (Research) - News: These new projects — focusing on Long Island Sound marshes, water quality, public beaches and seeking information that can be used to improve the conditions of the estuary for humans and wildlife — are supported by more than $6.3 million in total funds.
04/25/2023 |
In Media: Two SBU Long Island Sound Research Projects Receive NYSG Funding from $6.3M Suite | Long Island Sound (Research) - News: These new projects — focusing on Long Island Sound marshes, water quality, public beaches and seeking information that can be used to improve the conditions of the estuary for humans and wildlife — are supported by more than $6.3 million in total funds.
03/24/2023 |
Long Island Sound Mentor Teacher Program Returns | Publications: Success Stories - Extension (2023): The Long Island Sound (LIS) Mentor Teacher program supported by NYSG and the LIS Study estuary program connects educators with local resources.
03/24/2023 |
Community Science LI Educational Webinars Year Two | Publications: Success Stories - Extension (2023): NYSG’s successful Community Science LI webinar series of 2021 continued in 2022, connecting the public with the local environment through participatory science.
03/23/2023 |
Regional Needs Assessment: Building a Sustainable & Resilient Long Island Sound | Publications: Success Stories - Extension (2023): NYSG Sustainable and Resilient Communities Extension Professionals facilitated a needs assessment to understand climate-related environmental challenges and barriers to action in Long Island Sound communities.
03/23/2023 |
Flushing Climate Meeting: Preparing Communities for Future Flooding | Publications: Success Stories - Extension (2023): NYSG and partners’ outreach to local communities includes access to science-based expertise and resources to better address potentially deadly climate-related challenges.
03/23/2023 |
Community Engaged Internship Comes to The Bronx | Publications: Success Stories - Extension (2023): NYSG participation in National Sea Grant’s Community Engaged Internships program provides professional development to undergraduate students from underrepresented and Indigenous communities as well as benefitting local communities.
03/23/2023 |
First Annual Long Island Sound Sustainable & Resilient Communities Workshop | Publications: Success Stories - Extension (2023): NYSG Sustainable and Resilient Communities Extension Professionals have created a new foundation for focusing shared interest in building the resilience of Long Island Sound communities.
03/23/2023 |
Long Island Sound Marine Debris Plan Completed | Publications: Success Stories - Extension (2023): NYSG in partnership with CT Sea Grant identified and prioritized goals, objectives, strategies, and actions and completed an Action Plan to reduce marine debris in their shared coastal region of Long Island Sound
02/28/2023 |
More Than $6.3 Million in Funds for New Long Island Sound Research | Long Island Sound (Research) - Press Release: These new projects — focusing on Long Island Sound marshes, water quality, public beaches and seeking information that can be used to improve the conditions of the estuary for humans and wildlife — are supported by more than $6.3 million in total funds.
08/15/2022 |
Long Island Sound: Showcasing Local Stewardship Opportunities | Publications: Success Stories - Extension (2022): The Community Science Long Island 2021 webinar series developed by New York Sea Grant and Seatuck, with local scientists and researchers, highlighted the value of getting involved in local resource monitoring.
08/15/2022 |
Long Island Sound: Sea Grant Interns Bring Long Island Sound Habitats to Virtual Classroom | Publications: Success Stories - Extension (2022): A New York Sea Grant-developed educational tool virtually connects teachers and students from classrooms to New York’s coastal habitats.
08/15/2022 |
Long Island Sound: Outreach Coordinator for NYC and Westchester County | Publications: Success Stories - Extension (2022): New York City and Westchester County communities are now assisted by New York Sea Grant’s new Long Island Sound Study Outreach Coordinator.
08/14/2022 |
Long Island Sound: Building a Sustainable & Resilient Long Island Sound Watershed | Publications: Success Stories - Extension (2022): New York Sea Grant has added new extension specialists to the collaborative regional framework that is strengthening the environmental, social, and economic well-being of Long Island Sound communities.
05/29/2022 |
In Media: Opinion — Everyone Can Help Make Clean Beaches a Reality | Marine Debris - News: This year’s #DontTrashLISound campaign isn’t going to be harping so much on the ubiquitous litter problem as on solutions — big, small and in-between. Every action people take builds momentum and positive peer pressure for friends and neighbors to join in keeping clean our communities and our most important waterway — Long Island Sound.
05/29/2022 |
In Media: Annual #DontTrashLISound Campaign Aims to Reduce Plastic Pollution | Marine Debris - News: For the fifth consecutive year of the #DontTrashLISound social media campaign partners focus on hope for reducing plastic pollution in the estuary by highlighting positive steps people are taking to address the issue.
05/19/2022 |
Sea Grant Partners to Promote Upcoming Flushing, NY Climate Meeting | Long Island Sound Study - Press Advisory: Just ahead of 2022's storm season, Flushing, NY community gathers for Climate Meeting hosted by Sea Grant, Columbia University, and NYC Emergency Management
05/18/2022 |
LI Sound Marine Debris Action Plan Organizes Bi-State Partners for Cleaner Coasts, Waterways | Marine Debris - Press Release: Consumer litter, tiny plastic shards, lost or improperly discarded fishing gear and other trash will be more effectively removed or kept out of LIS under the Marine Debris Action Plan for the estuary completed under the leadership of CTSG and NYSG.
03/25/2022 |
New Sea Grant Specialists in NY and CT Help Expand LI Sound Study's Basin-wide Sound Efforts | Long Island Sound Study - Press Release: Sea Grant programs in New York and Connecticut have hired a team of new Long Island Sound Study professionals dedicated to protecting the communities, economy, and environment of the Sound.
03/25/2022 |
NYSG Expands Long Island Sound Study Outreach Programs in New York City / Western Basin | Long Island Sound Study - Press Release: NYSG has provided outreach and education on coastal issues in New York City and Westchester for decades, but never with a position fully dedicated in those areas to Long Island Sound.
03/16/2022 |
2022 Long Island Sound Research Conference | Long Island Sound (Research) - News: The 2022 Long Island Sound Research Conference will be held at Housatonic Community College in Bridgeport, CT on Wednesday May 18, 2022.
03/11/2022 |
In Photos: The Long Island Sound Mentor Teacher Program is BACK! | Long Island Sound Study - Press Release: The Long Island Sound Mentor Teacher Program is accepting 2022 applications from 5th—12th-grade educators interested in leading workshops, which teachers across New York can look forward to taking part in the Fall.
02/01/2022 |
$1.4 Million Awarded for Sea Grant Research on NY’s Coastal Environment, Economies and Communities | Research - Press Release: "These projects will make valuable contributions to the now 50-year legacy of NYSG-supported, science-based knowledge of benefit to New York State’s coastal communities."
08/16/2021 |
#DontTrashLISound: Annual Campaign Brings Hopeful Perspective on Reducing Plastic Pollution | Long Island Sound Study - Press Release: You can help increase the campaign’s educational impact by sharing posts to your networks starting on August 16th through International Coastal Cleanup Day on September 18th.
08/07/2021 |
In Media: River Otters Confirmed in South Shore Waters | Long Island Sound Study - News: “Community Science Long Island” is an education series about community science opportunities (also known as citizen science) in Long Island and the importance of those projects in supporting research and local environmental management efforts.
08/07/2021 |
In Media: River Otters In Action Along Eastport's Little Seatuck Creek | Long Island Sound Study - News: “Community Science Long Island” is an education series about community science opportunities (also known as citizen science) in Long Island and the importance of those projects in supporting research and local environmental management efforts.
07/25/2021 |
Sea Grant Programs Support 2021 Bioblitz Events in Northeast and Great Lakes Regions | Long Island Sound Study - News: Sea Grant programs from throughout both the Northeast and Great Lakes regions, including New York, supported “BioBlitz” this past spring and summer, community science efforts to record as many species as possible within a designated location and time period.
05/29/2021 |
Protecting the Water Quality in Long Island Sound | Long Island Sound (Research) - News: A group of scientists funded by Sea Grant programs in NY and CT are assembling the pieces of a puzzle to determine the impact of past excesses in nitrogen release to Long Island Sound and the efficacy of efforts to remediate them.
04/26/2021 |
In Media: River Otters Stage Long Island Comeback, With A Little Human Help | Long Island Sound Study - News: “Community Science Long Island” is an education series about community science opportunities (also known as citizen science) in Long Island and the importance of those projects in supporting research and local environmental management efforts.
04/18/2021 |
In Media: New Web-Based Educational Series Launches for Long Island Community Scientists | Long Island Sound Study - News: “Community Science Long Island” is an education series about community science opportunities (also known as citizen science) in Long Island and the importance of those projects in supporting research and local environmental management efforts.
04/18/2021 |
In Media: Long Island Environmental Groups Launch Monthly Webinar Series | Long Island Sound Study - News: “Community Science Long Island” is an education series about community science opportunities (also known as citizen science) in Long Island and the importance of those projects in supporting research and local environmental management efforts.
04/18/2021 |
In Media: Grant-Funded Projects to Study Water Quality, Other Environmental Issues in LIS | Long Island Sound (Research) - News: Under examination in the suite of studies are various facets of the water chemistry and habitat quality of Long Island Sound. Findings for these two year projects may potentially yield more effective management decisions.
04/18/2021 |
In Media: Chris Gobler’s LI Sound Research Receives Federal Funding | Long Island Sound (Research) - News: Under examination in the suite of studies are various facets of the water chemistry and habitat quality of Long Island Sound. Findings for these two year projects may potentially yield more effective management decisions.