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New York Sea Grant's
Marina Pollution Prevention Web Site

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Marina Image Slide Show

Outboard test tank filters can be used to prevent contamination of the tank water.   This device is attached to the back of the test tank and pumps the water through a special filter that absorbs the petroleum hydrocarbons.  It costs about $400 dollars.  The filters cost about  $10 and, depending on tank usage, can last an entire season.  Tests showed the filter reduced the petroleum hydrocarbons in one tank from concentrations 270 parts per million to less than 2.5 parts per million, which meets the state standards for disposal in sanitary systems.   Outboard motors did not not have to be cleaned after being in the tank, providing cost savings in labor for the marina that installed this system. Alternatives to cleaning test tank water include the use of microbial cleaners that use bacteria to reduce the petroleum hydrocarbons to carbon dioxide and water.  Care should be taken to select agents that are resistant to foaming because of the level of agitation in the tank.