New York Aquaculture
Webinars - Potential Role of Triploid Oyster Technology

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The Potential Role of Triploid Oyster Technology to Mitigate Disease & Increase Yield (December 2024)

Related Resources:


 Managing Oyster Health (pdf)

Triploid Oyster FAQs (pdf)

• Webinar Survey: to request new topics

• Journal Article: The need for more information on the resistance to biological and 
environmental stressors in triploid oysters (pdf)

• Journal Article: Triploid eastern oysters (Crassostrea virginica) display high susceptibility to microbial infections but only during early ontogenetic stages (pdf)

Mud Blister Worm Fact Sheet (pdf)

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Diseases and Pathogens of Shellfish

Stony Brook University Marine Animal Disease Lab

Stony Brook, NY, July 24, 2024 - "The Potential Role of Triploid Oyster Technology to Mitigate Disease & Increase Yield" is the focus of this webinar from New York Sea Grant (NYSG)'s Aquaculture Industry Resource Series. 

On this webinar, during which we were joined by Dr. Bassem Allam and Dr. Chris Brianik from Stony Brook University's Marine Animal Disease Lab, we provided information about the potential diseases that oyster farmers need to be aware of and how to manage them as well as how triploid oyster could potentially reduce disease impacts and increase a farmer's yield. Dr. Allam provided a summary on the local oyster diseases found in New York and potential ways to identify and mitigate them. Dr. Brianik explained how triploid oysters are produced and summarized the research he conducted growing triploid oyster in NY.

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