Septic System Resources
New York's Great Lakes

Millions of suburban and rural New York residents depend on septic systems to treat and dispose of household wastewater.

The purpose of a septic system is to store, distribute, and treat liquid wastes from your home on your property while preventing contamination of groundwater, drinking water wells, and nearby lakes and streams.

When a septic system is properly located, designed, installed, and maintained, it serves as an effective, economical, and safe on-site wastewater treatment system.

Maintenance is the key to a lasting, properly functioning septic system.

New York Sea Grant updated the Your Septic System folder, originally developed by Cornell Cooperative Extension, to help you learn how a septic system works, how to maintain it, how to prevent and recognize problems, records you should keep, and where to go for more help.

Resources on the page:

Your Septic System Folder | PDF
Your Septic System Contacts and Resources | PDF

Lake Ontario homeowners can find other helpful information to help manage their property at:

New York Sea Grant Home *  NYS Department of Environmental Conservation Home

This website was developed with funding from the Environmental Protection Fund, in support of the Ocean and Great Lakes Ecosystem Conservation Act of 2006. 

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