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New York Sea Grant's
Marina Pollution Prevention Web Site

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Marina Image Slide Show
Many of the traditional treatment control methods for collecting stormwater, such as detention basins and wet ponds, may not be practical for the typical marina because of space considerations and high ground water conditions typically found at these sites.  Treatment control strategies for most boating facilities must be relatively compact and easy to retrofit.  In marinas with sufficient space, vegetation can be planted along the water’s edge to filter runoff and remove contaminants before they reach the marina basin.  Filter strips are especially effective at removing contaminants in the form of particles.  Vegetated filter strips must be at least twenty feet wide to work properly, so they are not feasible at all marinas.  In addition to their environmental benefits, vegetated filter strips can provide aesthetic and recreational benefits.  Typical costs for filter strips range from $20 to $125 per 1,000 square feet ($0.40 to $6.25 per linear foot for a 20- to 50-foot wide strip).