Deliverables for this project, which include a sign and a postcard (the latter of which is pictured above), have been created by New York Sea Grant in partnership with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Long Island Sound Study.
Kathleen Fallon, NYSG Coastal Processes & Hazards Specialist, E: kmf228@cornell.edu, P: (631) 824-4746
Elizabeth Hornstein, NYSG Sustainable and Resilient Communities Specialist, Suffolk County, E: eeh78@cornell.edu, Phone: (631) 824-4575
Sarah Schaefer-Brown, NYSG Sustainable and Resilient Communities Specialist, Nassau County, E: scs292@cornell.edu, Phone: (516) 832-2591
Stony Brook, NY, January 29, 2024 - New York Sea Grant (NYSG) created a new "Protecting Coastal Bluffs of Long Island" Sign (pdf) that is available for municipalities, community groups, homeowner associations and property owners to print and install next to your bluff!
We left space on the sign for you to include your logo if desired.
The finish size is 12" x 18" with a 1.5" border radius.
There is space for two 3/8" holes in the center 1.5" from the top and bottom so that you can nail the sign into a post.
NYSG has created a post card version of "Protecting Coastal Bluffs of Long Island" (pdf) available for distribution.
To access the sign and postcard, you can also see the "Related Links" on the left.
Both the sign and the postcard feature the following information ...
"The bluffs along Long Island's shorelines were deposited by advancing and retreating glaciers during the last ice age over 18,000 years ago.
Composed of loose sediments that range from very small clays to large boulders, the bluffs are vulnerable to erosive forces such as wind, waves, and other influences.
We must do our part to protect these unique bluffs!"
If you're interested in featuring a sign in your community, please reach out to Kathleen Fallon, NYSG Coastal Processes & Hazards Specialist, at kmf228@cornell.edu, or (631) 824-4746.