How would you study a large system of water, like a lake? From the surface it may appear as though there isn’t much going on. You may assume that there are fish and plants living below the surface but this simple façade is very misleading. There is much more to a lake than the fish and the plants, much more than isn’t visible to the average on-looker. There is an entire field of science, called limnology, dedicated to studying lakes. At Oneida Lake, scientists are measuring a range of abiotic parameters including: temperature, dissolved oxygen, specific conductivity, turbidity, pH and chlorophyll.
Click on the individual parameters on the left to find out more!
Click on the buoy below to go to the in-water realtime monitoring buoy

Quick Definitions
Limnology: The study of the biological, chemical and physical features of lakes and other bodies of fresh water
Abiotic: Describes a non-living thing, physical, not biological
Parameter: A measurable factor that is part of a set or system |
Water Quality Monitoring pages designed and developed by Jessica Snyder, SUNY ESF, Great Lakes Research Consortium,