Closes at: 5:00 PM Eastern on January 23, 2025
Applications are being accepted for the 2025 NMFS-Sea Grant Fellowship in Population and Ecosystem Dynamics and Marine Resource Economics.
The NMFS-Sea Grant Joint Fellowship Program in Population and Ecosystem Dynamics and Marine Resource Economics is designed to help Sea Grant fulfill its broad educational responsibilities and strengthen its collaboration with the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS). Since 1990, Sea Grant and NMFS have partnered to train students through this joint fellowship program in two specialized areas: population and ecosystem dynamics and marine resource economics. Population and ecosystem dynamics involve the study of fish populations and marine ecosystems to better assess fishery stock conditions and dynamics.
Additional information can be found on the NOAA Fisheries/Sea Grant Fellowship website.
Ph.D. students at New York institutions should submit through the New York Sea Grant program portal as described below.
Application Details
This section provides brief information for Ph.D. students at New York institutions.
Applications are due to New York Sea Grant at 5:00 pm on January 23, 2025, for the 2025 Fellowship, through the portal as described below.
Selected applicants will be notified in the summer of 2025. The fellowship begins on August 1, 2025.
Applicants are encouraged to read the 2025 NMFS-Sea Grant Fellowship Student Guide, and the NOFO for full application preparation details, instructions, and tips. Please also review the Student Application Guide to Sea Grant Fellowships for additional helpful application guidance.
Applicants are also encouraged to reach out to Lane Smith, New York Sea Grant Research Coordinator, at to discuss their interest in the fellowship and learn about the process of applying.
NOTE: A printable version of this guidance is available (click here). You can also access that file along with other important and helpful resources in the box to the left.
1) Prospective fellows must be United States citizens.
2) At the time of application, prospective fellows must be admitted to a Ph.D. degree program at a U.S.-accredited university in the U.S. in population dynamics, ecosystem dynamics, resource or environmental economics, or a related field such as wildlife biology, fishery biology, natural resource management, marine biology, quantitative ecology, applied mathematics, applied statistics, or simulation modeling at an institution of higher education in the United States or its territories.
3) Alternatively, a prospective fellow may submit a signed letter from the institution indicating provisional acceptance to a Ph.D. degree program conditional on obtaining financial support such as this fellowship.
Additional application information can be found on the NOAA Fisheries/Sea Grant Fellowship website.
2025 NMFS-Sea Grant Joint Fellowship Timeline
Applications are due to New York Sea Grant at 5:00 pm on January 23, 2025, for the 2025 Fellowship.
The national level review will take place in April and May 2025.
Selected applicants will be notified in June 2025.
The fellowship begins on August 1, 2025.
The fellowship ends on July 31, 2028.
Application Package
The Application Package must consist of the following elements (I. and II.) in order (follow the guidance in the 2025 NMFS-Sea Grant Fellowship Student Guide for application preparation details, instructions, and tips):
I. Project Narrative (9 parts). See pages 7 – 12 in the Student Guide for details about each element:
1. Title Page – One page maximum.
2. Project Proposal – Five pages (References and figures do not count towards the five-page limit).
3. Education and Career Goal Statement – Two pages.
4. Curriculum Vitae (CV) – Two pages maximum. The CVs should not include personal contact information or web links to external resources (e.g., LinkedIn, articles, blogs, etc.). The student, the faculty advisor, and the NMFS mentor must each submit a CV.
5. Summary of Academic Training in Quantitative Methods – One page.
6. Transcripts – Submit clear copies of all undergraduate and graduate student transcripts. These copies may be either official or unofficial transcripts.
7. Letters of Recommendation – Two pages each. A minimum of two signed letters of recommendation from the student's faculty advisor and the student’s NMFS mentor.
8. Abbreviated Environmental Compliance Questionnaire.
9. Data Management Plan.
II. Budget Narrative: (Please contact JeanAnn Johnston at to review the budget and any subcontract materials that may be needed from your University)
1. Sea Grant 90-4 Form (Reminder that no IDC is allowed on this fellowship).
2. Budget Justification Narrative.
3. Subrecipient commitment form
III. Overall Application:
1. The forms (a – d) described on page 13 of the Student Guide are completed by NYSG when submitting the Student Applications to the National Office. The student does not complete these forms.
Online Portal Application Submission Guidance
For interested students submitting through New York Sea Grant:
• When your application materials are ready, click "Apply Now" below.
• Check that in the middle column it says “Fellowship Application”, otherwise select “Fellowship Application” from the drop-down list.
• Under “Applicant” provide all required "contact information."
• Provide a title (do not make your title very long).
• Browse and upload your application file then click the submit application button.
Note: Make sure your application is complete, includes all required sections, and is your final version. Incomplete applications will not be accepted.
Letters of recommendation can be either be provided to you to compile and upload with your other required application elements OR each letter writer can directly submit their letter through the portal separately by coming to this page, going to “Apply Now” and by selecting “Letter of Recommendation” from the drop-down list in the form. They must provide their contact information on the form. For title they should use their last name followed by “letter of recommendation for” followed by your last name. We will combine the letters with the rest of your application before submission to the national competition.
Note that the deadline time is based on the server clock displayed on the top right of the submission form, not your computer’s time. Note the time remaining displayed in red. Late applications will not be accepted.

Voluntary Demographics Survey
In accordance with OMB SPD 15, NOAA has a continuing commitment to monitor the operation of its review and award processes to identify and address any inequities based on gender, race, ethnicity, or disability of its proposed applicants. To gather information needed for this important task, applicants are asked to submit a voluntary demographics survey. Submitting the requested information is voluntary and not a precondition of selection. This survey is not part of the application and will not be a part of the review process. Any individual not wishing to submit some or all the information for a question should check the box provided for this purpose or skip the question. None of the questions are required. Data will be kept confidential.
If you agree to fill out the survey form, you can access it here.