Closes at: 5:00 p.m. Eastern on February 15, 2024.
Applications are now being accepted for the 2025 National Sea Grant College Program Dean John A. Knauss Marine Policy Fellowship (Sea Grant Knauss Fellowship Program) from eligible graduate students (Masters; Ph.D., or J.D.) who have an interest in ocean, coastal, and Great Lakes resources and in the national policy decisions affecting those resources. The program, which is sponsored by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) National Sea Grant College Program, matches highly qualified graduate students with "hosts" in the legislative branch, and executive branch located in the Washington, DC area, for a one-year paid fellowship.
This page provides guidance and information for Graduate (Masters; Ph.D., or J.D.) students at New York institutions. Please read this carefully and refer to the documents listed in the related links box to the left and linked to in the text below.
Students are encouraged to reach out to New York Sea Grant to discuss their interest in the Knauss Fellowship and learn more about the application process. Contact both Rebecca L. Shuford, Ph.D., Director, Email: and Lane Smith Fellowship and Research Program Coordinator, Email:
When you are ready to submit your application, return here and refer to the instructions below.
For New York* students submitting through New York Sea Grant:
• When your application materials are ready, click the "Apply Now" button below.
• Check that in the middle column it says “Fellowship Application”, otherwise select “Fellowship Application” from the drop-down list.
• Under “Applicant” provide all required contact information.
• Title should be in the format “2025 Knauss Fellowship application for…” followed by your name.
• Browse and upload your application file then click the submit application button.
Note: Make sure your application is complete, includes all required sections, and is your final version. Applications submitted that are missing sections cannot be accepted.
Because of the separate "signed" letters of recommendation that are required with this application, we suggest that you scan and combine these documents with the other required elements as one PDF document, and then upload one complete file.
NOTE: If necessary, letters of recommendation can be submitted through this form separately by each letter writer coming to this page and by selecting “Letter of Recommendation” from the drop-down list. They must provide their contact information on the form. For title they should use their last name followed by “letter of recommendation for” followed by your last name. We will combine the letters with the rest of your application before submission to the national competition.
*Not in a state with a Sea Grant Program? Contact the National Sea Grant Office at who will assign you to a program.
Note that the deadline time is based on the server clock displayed on the top right of the submission form, not your computer’s time. Note the time remaining displayed in red. The submission form deactivates once the deadline is reached even if you are on the submission page. Do not wait until the last minute to submit! Allow plenty of time. Incomplete applications will not be accepted.
Application Details
This section provides guidance and information for Graduate students at New York institutions.
Please refer to the documents listed in the related links box to the left and linked to in the text below.
Make sure to refer to them while working on your application.
When you are ready to submit your application, return here and refer to the instructions above.
2025 Knauss Fellowship Timeline
February 15, 2024, by 5:00 p.m. local time: Applications due to the State Programs. Graduate students at New York institutions should submit through the New York Sea Grant (NYSG) program (see below)
February-March 2024: NYSG reviews application packages, and interviews applicants
March 28, 2024, by 11:59 p.m. EDT: NYSG can nominate UP TO 6 applications each to the national competition
April/May 2024: National Level Review of Applicants
June 2024: Sea Grant Programs and applicants notified of application status
July 2024: Finalist welcome workshop. Finalist information/commitment due
August 2024: NSGO begins recruiting 2025 Exec hosts. All alternates are notified
October 2024: Executive Placement Week
November 2024: Recruit for Legislative hosts
January 2025: Legislative Placement Week
February 1, 2025: Fellowship begins. Fellowship award dates are February 1, 2025-February 28, 2026
Applicant Eligibility
Any student, regardless of citizenship, is eligible to submit to this opportunity if:
1. The student is enrolled towards a degree in a graduate program (Masters, Ph.D. or JD) at any point between the onset of the 2023 Fall Term (quarter, trimester, semester, etc.) and February 15, 2024;
2. The graduate degree will be awarded through an accredited institution of higher education in the United States or U.S. Territories, and;
3. The student has an interest in ocean, coastal, and Great Lakes resources and in the national policy decisions affecting those resources.
Application Package
The Application Package must consist of the following (Review the 2025 Knauss Fellowship Student Guide and the Student Applicant Guide to Sea Grant Fellowships for application preparation tips):
1. Curriculum vitae (pg. 9):
• Do not exceed two pages
• Do not include personal contact information or web links to external resources (e.g. Linkedin, articles, blogs, etc.)
2. Personal Education and Career Development Response (pgs. 10-12):
• The entire personal education and career development section should not exceed 1,530 words total; suggested word counts are included with each subsection in the Student Guide. Section headers do not count as part of the overall word count.
• Section One: Icebreaker – provide responses to the following:
a. Use one sentence to describe yourself (20 words).
b. List five adjectives that someone with a close personal connection (coworker, supervisor, etc.) would use to describe you (5 words MAX).
• Section Two: Career Path and Objectives – Provide responses to the three prompts (2a, 2b, 2c) provided in the Student Guide. The recommended word count for each prompt is 250 words. Each prompt should be answered separately using the section headers. Section headers will NOT count as part of the overall word count.
• Section Three: Career Path Experience – Provide responses to the three questions (3a, 3b, 3c) provided in the Student Guide. The recommended word count for each prompt is 250 words. Each prompt should be answered separately using the section headers. Section headers will NOT count as part of the overall word count.
3. Relevant Coursework and Future Year Plans (pg. 13):
• NOT to exceed ONE page single-spaced
• Discuss any relevant coursework and your future year activities.
a. Relevant Coursework: Discuss any completed or in-progress classes that are relevant to your success in the Knauss Fellowship Program.
b. Future year activities: Include a listing of classes and/or plans for spring 2024, summer 2024, and fall 2024.
4. Two Letters of Recommendation (pg. 14):
• Two letters of recommendation from individuals who have worked with you, including at least one from a faculty member with knowledge of your academic and research (when applicable) performance.
• Letters should not exceed two pages single-spaced.
• Refer to the “Recommendations for Your Letters of Recommendation” in the Student Application Guide.
5. Transcripts (pg. 15):
• Provide only unofficial transcripts of all undergraduate and graduate student transcripts. Do not provide digitally signed official transcripts, they cannot be combined with other application elements to make a single PDF application to submit to the national competition.