Bio-Optics group members — Postdoctoral Researcher Jonathan Sherman (at left) and Research Associate Kyle Turner (at right) — collect measurements in Long Island Sound. Sherman points a device to the sky to be able to measure the downwelling irradiance (light from the sun coming down to the Earth’s surface), which is used in calculations of remote sensing reflectance. Credit: Tzortziou Bio-Optics Lab
2024 Long Island Sound Research Conference
About the Conference
The Long Island Sound Research conference convenes every other year, rotating venues between the states of Connecticut and New York.
Highlighted at this biennial conference is the diverse research occurring in the Long Island Sound and its watershed.
The overarching theme of the 2024 conference is "Science Serving the Sound"
The plenary speaker is Dr. Phil Levin — White House Office of Science & Technology Policy and U.S. Global Change Research.
This meeting is facilitated as a partnership between New York Sea Grant, Connecticut Sea Grant and the Long Island Sound Study.
Date: Wednesday, May 15, 2024
Time: 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
Location: Waterview at Port Jefferson Country Club
44 Fairway Drive, Port Jefferson, NY 11777 (Map) (Website)
NOTE: For those traveling from CT on the 7:30 AM ferry, and those staying overnight at Danfords, Stony Brook shuttle buses will be available from the ferry terminal to the Waterview in the morning and back to the ferry terminal in time to catch the 4:45 pm ferry to Bridgeport. Boarding for the shuttle buses will be from 8:45 - 9:00 AM at the ferry terminal, a short walk from Danfords. The bus will depart promptly at 9:00 AM. The trip from Danfords to the Waterview is about 8 minutes. For those driving, please use the address above for your GPS. The venue has plenty of free onsite parking. Should you require additional assistance in finding the location, the Wateview’s phone number is 631-473-1440.
Registration: $40 / $30 students
Lunch provided. Seating is limited.
NOTE: The deadline, May 1, 2024, has passed.
Important Dates
March 22, 2024 Deadline for poster and presentation abstract submissions
May 1, 2024 Deadline for registration
May 15, 2024 Conference date
Workshop Materials
Questions? Contact Us
Phone: (631) 632-9780
E-mail: lane.smith@stonybrook.edu
Address: Stony Brook University: Research and Development Park, Innovation and Discovery Center, Suite 221, 500 Innovation Rd., Stony Brook, NY 11794
Abstract Submission Details
NOTE: The deadline to submit via email to Maureen Canning at maureen.canning@stonybrook.edu, March 22nd, has passed.
When submitting abstracts, your email, which should include “Long Island Sound Conference Abstract” in the subject line, should indicate ...
1) whether you’re submitting a poster or oral presentation.
2) Provide the list of authors and their affiliations and email addresses
3) Indicate the presenter, including their affiliation, and email address
4) Indicate if the presentation is by a student
5) Provide the title of the poster or presentation
6) The abstract word count max is 250 words for each submission. Once the online registration portal is open, all who submit abstracts must register.
7) Indicate the topic of the presentation. It could be one of the four themes listed below or one of your own (e.g., marine debris, sediment mapping, etc.) but the presentation should fit within the overall conference theme and relate to the management of the Long Island Sound.
We are looking for an array of oral presentations and posters across disciplines in physical, natural, and social sciences that contribute to the four themes of LISS' Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan:
— Clean waters and healthy watersheds
— Thriving habitats and abundant wildlife
— Sustainable and resilient communities
— Sound science and inclusive management
Abstracts will be reviewed for relevance and rigor (technical merit). Due to limited space, we may not be able to accommodate all submissions. If you wish to submit more than one abstract, please submit each one separately. Students are encouraged to submit.
Direct questions to Lane Smith (lane.smith@stonybrook.edu) or Syma Ebbin (syma.ebbin@uconn.edu).