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The following resources are available either as web pages, PDF files or on file at the Snow Memorial Library, Pulaski, New York, 315-298-2717. All of these resources directly address a concern or issue relevant to our Lake Ontario sand dunes and wetlands. Adobe Acrobat Reader is required to view PDF files in this guide. You can obtain a free copy of Acrobat Reader by clicking on the icon below and following the download instructions. An internet connection is needed to download Acrobat Reader. The resources below are listed by topic. Within each topic the resources are listed in chronological order - most recent to oldest. Click on a topic below to quickly navigate to it. NEW! Deer Creek Marsh WMA (2011) brochure now available. (PDF File)
DUNE STEWARD REPORTS top 1990 Dune Naturalist Report. 1990. Suzanne Ravenscroft. 24 pages. 1989 Dune Naturalist Intern Summary Report. 1989. Betsy Schrader. 38 pages. 1988 Dune Naturalist Intern Report to The Ontario Dune Coalition. 1988. Sandra Bonanno. 16 pages. DUNE VEGETATION top Beachgrass: American (Cape variety) or Champlain: What's the difference and who cares??? Sandy Bonanno. The Nature Conservancy. Informational sheet. (2MB PDF file). Stabilizing Your Sand Dunes with Beach Grass (Video). New York Sea Grant Extension. Learning Resources, SUNY Oswego. Vegetation of a freshwater dune barrier under high and low recreational uses.1998. Sandra E. Bonanno, Donald J. Leopold, and Lisa R. St. Hilaire. J. Torrey Bot. Soc. 125:40-50. (1.5MB PDF file) Vegetative Analysis of Deer Creek Barrier Beach. 1981. Jim Uhlig. St. Lawrence-Eastern Ontario Commission. 16 pages. Ammophila champlainensis (Graminae), a new species in New York and Vermont. 1966. Seymour, F.C. Sida Contributions to Botany 2:349-351. Plants for coastal dunes and sandy inland areas. Author unknown. Date unknown. (16MB PDF file). GENERAL INFORMATION AND TRAIL GUIDES top Deer Creek Marsh WMA. 2011. Mary Penney (PDF File) Our Eastern Lake Ontario Dunes & Wetlands. 2007. Mary Penney (PDF File) Sand, Wind, & Water. A recreational guide to eastern Lake Ontario's dunes and wetlands. revised 2007. Gillian Earnest, Diane Kuehn, Molly Thompson, and Mary Penney. 25 pages. (PDF File) Our Lake Ontario Sand Dunes: An Overview. August 1993. David G. White. 2 pages. Our Lake Ontario Sand Dunes: Minimizing Impacts of Your Visit. September 1993. Sandra E. Bonanno and David G. White. 4 pages. New York's Eastern Lake Ontario Sand Dunes. 1989. L. R. Johnston Associates. NYS Department of State Division of Coastal Resources and Waterfront Revitalization. 148 pages. The Sandy Pond Beach Bird Sanctuary. Discover the Birds. Respect Their Needs. (PDF File) Sandy Pond Beach Natural Area. Oswego County's Fragile Lake Ontario Shoreline. (PDF File) El Dorado Nature Preserve. A Migratory Bird Rest Stop (PDF File) HUMAN DIMENSIONS top Results of the 1997 Eastern Lake Ontario Dune and Wetland Area Interpretive Program Evaluation. Diane Kuehn. 1998. 2 pages. Human use and wildlife of the El Dorado Nature Preserve, a Natural Area on eastern Lake Ontario. 1998. Steven F. Kahl. 102 pages.(3.2MB PDF file). INTERPRETATION top Interpretive Recommendations for the Eastern Lake Ontario Sand Dune and Wetland Area. 1994. Gillian E. Earnest. 35 pages. (106MB PDF file) Eastern Lake Ontario Dune Wetland Environmental Interpretive Center: A Feasibility Study and Concept Plan. 1991. Terry Barney. Seaway Trail, Inc. 14 pages. (32MB PDF file) Dune Trail Interpretive Guide. Southwick Beach State Park & Lakeview Wildlife Management Area.1990. Suzanne Ravenscroft. 11 pages. MANAGEMENT PLANS AND ISSUES top Research to guide management and maintenance of the eastern Lake Ontario dune barrier, Phase One. Interim Report to The Nature Conservancy and Town of Sandy Creek, for The NYS Department of State, prepared for the New York State Department of State. 2000. Woodrow, D.L., N.A Rukavina, J Steinglass, C. Mc Clennen, W.F Ahrnsbrak, J.D. Singer, J. Grant, and J. Shea. 75 pp.
Sandy Pond Beach Management Plan. October 10, 1995. Robert Davis and Sandra Bonanno. 97 pages. (9MB PDF file) Sandy Pond Resource Management Study. 1989. L. R. Johnston Associates. Sandy Pond Resource Management Committee. 7 pages. (1.3MB PDF file) A Proposed Coastal Management Program for the Eastern Shore Dune-Bay-Wetland Complex. 1979. St. Lawrence-Eastern Ontario Commission. NYS Department of State. 36 pages. (5.1MB PDF file) Wildlife Management Plan for Lakeview Wildlife Management Area. 1970. NYS DEC, Division of Fish and Wildlife, Bureau of Wildlife, Region 4. 47 pages. (2.6MB PDF file).
Mining as a threat to New York's Deer Creek Marsh. Date unknown. Breck Trautwein and John Dragonetti. 5 pages. (372KB PDF file). NATURAL HISTORY top Our Lake Ontario Sand Dunes: An Overview of Their Fauna. September 1993. Sandra E. Bonanno and David G. White. 4 pages. Our Lake Ontario Sand Dunes: An Overview of Their Flora. September 1993. Sandra E. Bonanno and David G. White. 4 pages. On the importance of Lake Ontario woody, shoreline habitat to neotropical migrant songbirds: 1993 preliminary results. Unpublished report. Kris Agard, Kathy Schneider, Caroline Spellman. (15MB PDF file). Structure of the microarthropod community in Lake Ontario beach debris. 1976. Roy A. Norton and Daniel L. Dindal. Environmental Entomology 5(4): 773-779. (19MB PDF file). Migrant Songbirds Along Lake Ontario's Shore (PDF File) SAND TRANSPORT top Eastern Lake Ontario Sand Transport Study (ELOSTS): Final Report on Sediment Transport Patterns and Management Implications for Eastern Lake Ontario. A report and technical appendix submitted to The Nature Conservancy. October 2002. Donald L. Woodrow, Hobart and William Smith Colleges, Charles E. McClennen, Colgate University and William F. Ahrnsbrak, Hobart and William Smith Colleges. PDF file Eastern Lake Ontario Littoral Processes: Review of Information and Management Implications. April 1997. Geoffrey Steadman. 63 pages. Differential transport of fall-equivalent sand grains, Lake Ontario, New York. 1985. C. Brian Trask and Bryce M. Hand. Journal of Sedimentary petrology 55(2):0226-0234. (24MB PDF file). Inlet formation and washover processes at North Pond, Eastern Lake Ontario. 1977. Gary M. Weir. 4 pages. (312KB PDF file). Sand dispersal in eastern and southern Lake Ontario. 1974. Robert G. Sutton, Thomas L. Lewis, Donald L. Woodrow. J. of Sedimentary Petrology 44:705-715. (10.3MB PDF file). Accretion and erosion of a Lake Ontario beach, Selkirk Shores, New York. 1973. Barry P. Cohn. Proc. 16th Conf. Great :Lakes Res. 1973:390-396. (16.5MB PDF file).
Post-Iroquois lake stages and shoreline sedimentation in eastern Ontario basin. 1972. Robert G. Sutton, Thomas L. Lewis and Donald L. Woodrow. Journal of Geology 80: 346-356. (15MB PDF file).
TOURISM top Oswego-Eastern Shore Communities Tourism Development Action Plan. 1990. Tommy Brown, Chad Dawson, Nancy Connelly, Paula Horrigan. Seaway Trail, Inc. 32 pages. Oswego-Eastern Shore Communities Tourism Development Plan: Resource Document. 1990. Tommy Brown, Chad Dawson, Nancy Connelly, Paula Horrigan. Seaway Trail, Inc. 142 pages. OTHER DUNE RESOURCES top The Dune Book. 2003. Spencer Rogers and David Nash. North Carolina Sea Grant UNC-SG-03-03. (PDF file on outside website). Stabilization of Great Lakes sand dunes: Effect of planting time, mulches and fertilizer on seedling establishment. 1989. M. A. Maun and Irene Krajnyk. Journal of Coastal Research Vol. 5, No. 4: 791-800. (5MB PDF file). The effects of houses and sand fences on the Eolian sediment budget at Fire Island, New York. 1985. Journal of Coastal Research Vol. 1, No. 1: 39-46. (30MB PDF file). Considerations for the control of house construction in coastal dunes. 1984. Karl F. Nordstrom and James M. McCluskey. Coastal Zone Management Journal Vol. 12, No. 4: 385-402. (146MB PDF file). Dutch Sand Ladder. 1984. National Park Service, US Dept. of the Interior and National Recreation and Park Association. Grist Vol. 28, No. 2: 13, 15. (6MB PDF file). RELATED WEB PAGES top IJC Study to review criteria for regulation of water levels on Lake Ontario/St. Lawrence River |