I was hired first by Cornell Cooperative Extension of Suffolk County to teach environmental education to 4-H kids. Wondering how to get them interested in nature, I thought, “We live on an island; let’s study marine life!” The Sea Grant staff was very helpful to me in getting these programs going, and later when a position opened up to be the Marine District Program Coordinator, I was urged to apply. Now, 30 plus years later when I look back at a rewarding career I say to myself, “A life well spent.” Extension, whether Land Grant or Sea Grant, is designed to improve the lives of people and communities by bringing the resources of our nation’s Land Grant and Sea Grant colleges directly to people. One dean of a Land Grant College once said, “Never pass up an opportunity to help someone.” I’ve lived by that motto my whole career. Sea Grant has made a difference by “Bringing Science to the Shore,” and the anecdotal testimonies we all receive from people with whom we have worked are the best evidence. I want to say goodbye to all my colleagues and friends, and to wish you well. What a treasure you are to audiences with which you work.
— Robert Kent
Robert J. Kent has been “Bringing Science to the Shore” since he began with New York Sea Grant Extension in 1989 as our Marine Program Coordinator. Bob has also shown leadership statewide as NYSG’s Interim Associate Director and nationally with his dedication to Sea Grant’s marine education and habitat restoration efforts. You will be missed, Bob. Enjoy fair winds in your retirement.