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Invasive Species
Aquatic plants grow along Oneida Lake’s shore and beneath its surface. They are an important part of the ecosystem and create habitat for fish, reduce shoreline erosion, and improve water quality. The availability of light strongly influences the abundance and distribution of plants. As water clarity increases, the amount of light for submersed plants also increases. Light penetration determines the maximum depth at which these plants can grow.
Oneida Lake’s clearer water has helped increase aquatic vegetation. Prior to the 1990s, most plants were found in waters less than six feet deep. Today, vegetation thrives in waters from six to thirteen feet, and some plants have been collected from depths exceeding 20 feet.
Despite improved water quality, Oneida Lake’s overall health remains vulnerable. Established nonnative species are altering the structure and function of the food web, while new invaders lurk near. Subtle changes in climate may be affecting the lake in ways that we are only beginning to understand.
Established Aquatic Invaders: Non-native species have often affected Oneida Lake’s food web, especially since the completion of the Erie-Barge Canal in 1918. Early invaders included sea lampreys, European faucet snails, Eurasian milfoil, and white perch. Other non-native fish that have played a prominent role in Oneida Lake’s history are carp, gizzard shad, and freshwater drum.